Seddie Oneshots: 109 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,202
Published: Dec 5, 2010


Freddie stood by his locker after school, waiting for Sam. Usually them and Carly met here after school everyday so Carly could drive them home, but since Carly was out sick with a cold today, it was going to be just him and Sam. That was perfectly all right with him; even though they had broken up about a month ago in that elevator, he still enjoyed the moments when it was just the two of them. If felt...nice.

"Hey," Freddie greeted Sam as she stormed over to the lockers. "You ready to-"

Sam threw open her locker door and jammed a bunch of her snacks and papers into her backpack with more than the necessary amount of force.

"Um, bad day?" Freddie frowned.

"I'm suspended," Sam snapped, slamming her locker door shut.

Freddie blinked. "Wait, what? Why?"

"Because," Sam said, crossing her arms. "They're saying that I cheated on my Chemistry test."

"But, you didn't...did you?"

"No!" she exclaimed. "But apparently, there's no other possible way for me to have gotten an A on it while a bunch of other kids failed it; so now I'm suspended for three days."

"Hold on," Freddie said. "Franklin can't be letting this happen. He likes you! He'd never accuse you of doing something you didn't."

"Yeah, well, Franklin's out for a month, remember?" Sam said. "He's on that marriage retreat thing with his wife. Vice principle Gold's in charge now, and he hates me."

Freddie nodded. It was true. In the past year Sam had glued the man's shoes to the floor, hidden his toupee, and filled his car with multiple flavors of jell-o. "That's still not right; it's an abuse of his power!"

"Try telling him that," Sam said angrily.

"You can appeal this," Freddie told her. "Students have the right to challenge any punishment they feel is unjust."

"It wouldn't make a difference," Sam said. Then she shook her head. " school for three days; it'll be sort of like a vacation, I guess."

"Sam-" Freddie started.

"I'll see you around," Sam said, swinging her backpack over he shoulder.

Freddie saw her face just before she turned around. It almost looked like the expression she had right before they had broken up.

He sighed and leaned back against the lockers. He knew what he had to do.


"You can't just barge in there!" Ms. Lemon, the secretary, called after Freddie as he headed towards the principle's office. He didn't listen, though. He threw open the door without even knocking and stepped into the office.

"What are you doing here?" snapped Mr. Gold. "Do you have an appointment?"

"No," Freddie said. "But I need to talk to you about something very important."

"What is it?" he said, frustrated.

"It's about you suspending Sam Puckett."

"Oh, that?" he scoffed. "What about that? You know Ridgeway has a zero tolerance for cheating; it's in the school handbook!"

"I know," Freddie said. "But Sam didn't cheat."

"Please," Gold said, rolling his eyes. "That girl consistently earns D's and C's here. In fact, last year she barely passed her history class."

"But that doesn't mean that she cheated," Freddie said.

"Chemistry is one of the hardest classes this school offers," Gold told him. "She was placed in purely because there was no space for her in any other science class. Our valedictorian last year didn't even get an A in that class. Do you really expect me to believe that that delinquent earned an A on a test in that class without any sort of cheating?"

"Listen, I've known Sam for years," Freddie said, trying to keep his temper down. "Sure, she's mean and rude, and laughs in the face of any school rule, but she has ethics."

"Really?" Gold said, rolling his eyes. "I doubt it."

"Sam's one of the best liars you'll ever meet," Freddie continued. "But she never uses her skills in that. She's honest."

"Oh, of course she is," Gold said sarcastically.

"She is," Freddie insisted.

"Then explain why I have it on record," Gold said. "That in the eighth grade she hacked into the school's data based and changed Ms. Shay's grade in Honors World History? And your grade? And her own?"

"She was doing that because she didn't feel it was right that Carly got a B when she clearly deserved an A!" Freddie exclaimed. "She did it to help a friend! And I bet if you look further down in her record you'll see that she confessed to do doing it."

"Irrelevant," he shrugged. "She still cheated on that Chemistry test."

"No, she didn't!" Freddie cried. "Sam is smart, you know. When she wants to, she can get A's in any class. The problem is that she's sort of lazy; that's the only reason she gets such bad grades. But she actually likes Chemistry! Sure, it's probably only because you get to blow stuff up and all that, but that's the one class she actually enjoys this year! Of course she tries the hardest in it!"

"Mr. Benson, you are getting out of hand," Gold said. "This rant has gone on long enough. My decision to suspend Samantha Puckett is final, and I will not be persuaded to overturn it by a young child!"

Freddie sighed. "Look, I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no other choice."

"What are you-"

Freddie pulled a manila folder out of his backpack and slid it across Gold's desk.

Gold opened the folder and gasped. "Where did you get these pictures?"

"That's not important," Freddie said, crossing his arms, satisfied. "But what is important is the fact that I have copies of those pictures and access to a very powerful website that gets over a million views each week."

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"I suppose that's the technical term for it," Freddie nodded. "Now, you either lift Sam's suspension immediately and give her a full apology, or those pics hit the Internet. It's your choice."

"This is an outrage!" Gold exclaimed angrily. "Completely absurd."

"I need a decision," Freddie said, smiling happily.

"Fine!" Gold yelled. "I'll left the suspension! I'll let Puckett know she's allowed back in school and I'll...apologize for saying she cheated."

"Thank you," Freddie said. "That's all I wanted."

He turned to head out of the office.

"Ms. Puckett's certainly lucky she's got such a warped little boyfriend," Gold muttered.

Freddie turned. "Um, er, she's not-"

"Get out of my office!"

Freddie hurried out, and as he did, a tiny smile appeared on his face. But what was it from, he wondered. It couldn't be that he was secretly happy he had been confused for Sam's boyfriend again, was it?

Freddie's smile widened as he thought to himself: It must be.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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