iMake It Up To You by JadeSelena

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iMake It Up To You by JadeSelena

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 4,047
Published: Dec 30, 2011

A/N: Set at the end of iPsycho


"95 cartons of milk on the wall, 95 cartons of milk..."

Sam could feel a Hulk-like rage coming on, the repetitive lyrics slowly eating away at what little patience she had left. Sure it had been fun for the first, oh, eighteen seconds, but all this touchy-feely togetherness was liable to make a girl sick. Or seriously hurt someone.

"Take one down, open the spout..."

And while most people would just suck it up and let their friends enjoy the moment, gathered around the fire that Spencer had made (on purpose for once), voices raised in tandem if not in key, Samantha Puckett was not most people.

"Drinkedy drink 'til the milk runs out!"

"Well that was fun!" she blurted out with as much sarcasm as she could muster, clapping her hands for emphasis.

The chorus of voices trailed off and everyone shifted their disappointed gazes to her.

"What? You think I'm gonna sit through another 94 rounds of that chiz?" Surely they knew her better than that...

Spencer's lips formed a distinct pout. "Aw, come on, Sam! We were having fun..."

"Fun!" Guppy repeated.

Sam rolled her eyes. "Songs around the fire are for losers whose parents ship them off to geek camp every summer for forced social interaction." She stared thoughtfully off into space for a second before adding, "And hobos, I think."

"Hey! Camp is awesome!"


Said the losers who had gone to geek camp every summer, i.e. Gibby and Spencer. Sam shrugged off their indignation and turned to Carly with an inquisitive eyebrow. "Do you think hobos really sing around fires or, you know, just use them to cook and get toasty?" Without giving the brunette a chance to answer she continued animatedly, "We should do an exposé on it for iCarly; we can call it, 'Hey, hobo! What's that fire for?'" She waved a hand in front of her as though the title had appeared before her eyes.

Carly had to smile at her best friend's obsession with hobos. "Sure, Sam," she agreed with a laugh, handing the blonde another weenie. "We'll get right on that."

Sam knew she was getting the brush-off but it didn't matter; she would convince her later. Leaning forward to toast her meat she found her way back to the original topic. "Anyway, Mama's had about as much 'fun' as she can handle this weekend, thank you very much; trapped for two days with Nora Neurotic and Fredlumps here..." She tilted her head at the aforementioned lump, a teasing smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Freddie had kept quiet at the 'geek camp' thing even though he'd suspected it was somehow aimed at him (Sam's comments usually were) but he wasn't about to let two remarks pass unchallenged. "Yeah, 'cause it was a barrel of monkeys for me," he countered wryly, "listening to you whine for two days straight." A caged Sam was definitely not a pleasant Sam. An uncaged Sam wasn't even a pleasant Sam...

"I didn't want to go to that psychopath's house in the first place," she shot back, eyes narrowed at his tone. "If it weren't for you and Carly and your bleeding hearts we would have been having real fun at WebiCon and you would have been signing your 'Oh-so-natural' picture for all of your three fans." She provided air quotes in case he somehow missed the disdain in her voice.

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