Seddie Oneshots: 472 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,301
Published: Dec 5, 2010

A/N: This is iLost My Mind with the roles reversed. This is also sequel to iOMG with the roles reversed.


[ sequel to #404 ]

"Okay, where is Freddie?" Carly groaned as her and Sam sat up in the iCarly studio three days after the lock-in. "I haven't seen him in like...days!"

"Oh, um...I dunno," Sam mumbled, not meeting Carly's gaze. She hadn't told her best friend about Freddie's spontaneous kiss yet. Ever since Freddie ran off from the courtyard after the two pulled apart, she had been trying nonstop to get in contact with him. She had called him, texted him, emailed him...she had even picked the locks on his apartment door only to find his bedroom empty.

"He hasn't called you or anything about the project you were working on during the lock-in?" Carly asked.

Sam shook her head. ", he-he hasn't."
Carly gave her a strange look. "You okay, Sam? You look like something's bugging you."

"Huh? Nothing's bugging me," Sam said quickly.

"Sam..." Carly said knowingly. "I know you...something's bothering you. Come on, you can tell me."

Sam sighed. She knew once Carly got started on this sort of thing, there was no getting her to drop it. It'd be easier just to come clean now.

"Alright," Sam said slowly. "It's...I-I sort of know what's going on with Freddie."

"You do?" Carly said. "What is it? didn't hurt him or anything during the lock-in, did you?"

"No!" Sam said. "I didn't do anything. Look, you know how him and I, well, mostly him, were working on making that emotion reading app?"

"Sure," Carly nodded.

"Well, I tested it out on him, and it showed his mood as 'in love'."

"What?" Carly exclaimed. "Freddie's in love? With who?"

"Well I thought it was you," Sam replied. "You know, because he's always been chasing you around and everything."

"Oh man," Carly sighed. "He's still in love with me? That's why he's suddenly dropped off the face of the earth? Poor guy...I wish he'd come over so I could talk to him and let him off easy and-"

"He's not in love with you, Carly," Sam cut her off.

"Huh? Then who's he-"

"During the night, Freddie went out to the patio, and he was all mopey," Sam said. "I figured it was still because of the computer app thing and him being in love with you...So I decided since he was being so cool about me sort of slacking off during the project, I'd go try and cheer him up. But her-he...he kissed me!"

"He kissed you?" Carly gasped. "Oh my God!"

"I know," Sam nodded. "I was just talking and then he...did it."

"Well what does this mean?" Carly asked, going into full gossip mode. "Does he like you then? Do you like him back?"

"I don't know what it means!" Sam said. "Before I could say anything to him he just bolted! He didn't even grab his laptop or anything. Who knew the nub could run so fast..."

"Well what are you going to do?" Carly urged.

"I don't know!" Sam exclaimed. "How can I do anything where I don't even know where Fredwad is? It's not like I can just track him down and-Wait...wait, I think I know how we can find him."

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