Seddie Oneshots: 228 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Langue: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,389
Published: Dec 5, 2010

[ sequel to the previous oneshot ]

"Hey, so what's the difference between an emu and an ostrich?" Gibby asked. "I always thought they were the same thing, but then I realized they can't be, otherwise there would just be emus or just ostriches. Not both."

Sam, who had been sitting at her kitchen table across from Gibby, eating a pint of ice cream, and Freddie and Carly, who were loading the dishwasher, all frowned at him.

"Gibby, no one was talking about anything even remotely related to ostriches or emus," Freddie said.

"Yeah, I know," Gibby said. "But I wasn't really interested in your conversation about that new deli, so I decided to change the subject."

"Gibby, you're...something," Carly said, rolling her eyes.

Just then, there was a loud clasp of thunder.

"Oh man, it's really pouring out there," Sam said, looking out the kitchen window.

"Yeah, and according to my weather app, it's supposed to be like this until at least four in the morning," Freddie said, looking at his pearphone. "Carls, Gib, you can stay here if you want tonight. You probably shouldn't be driving home in this weather."

"Cool, thanks," Carly said.

"Man, I was supposed to run to bank real quick," Sam said.

"Why?" Gibby asked.

"Because Jason burned through all his money at school, and I was gonna put more in his debit account," Sam replied. "Now I have to do it online...crab, I don't remember my password to do that."

"I'll do it," Freddie said. "But seriously, you need to start picking passwords that you'll actually-"

But just then the lights flickered, and a second later they turned off completely.

"Well...that's great," Sam said.

"I'll call the power company," Carly said, pulling out her phone.

"I'll light some candles," Freddie said.

"And I guess I'll just never know the difference between and emu and an ostrich," Gibby said.


"Mom, the power's out!" Emma said, hurrying into the kitchen.

"Is it?" Sam said.

"We were right in the middle of a movie," Emma said. "What are we supposed to do for the rest of the night without technology?"

"Hey, I have a deck of cards," Freddie said, lighting a few candles. "I can teach you to play this game I learned awhile back at math camp. See, you deal everyone five cards, then you take the sum of-"

"Well, your power won't be back on until tomorrow," Carly said, hanging up her phone.

"Tomorrow?" Emma repeated.

"Hey, if I can survive one night without electricity, than you can," Sam said.

"Yeah, we can have some fun, I mean, we have everyone here," Freddie said. "We can tell stories, do arts and crafts, make sock puppets-"

Emma turned to Sam. "Am I being punished for something or what?"

"Emma, you know your dad's a dork, you should be used to him by now," Sam said. "Listen, there's a box of flashlights downstairs in the basement. Bring them up here, will you?"

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