iKnow I'm Short by lovingmylife

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iKnow I'm Short by lovingmylife

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Humor
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,733
Published: Jul 18, 2011


Sam dumped her plate in the sink. Freddie and Carly were still working on their sandwiches; she had finished hers and was still hungry, she needed more food.

"Carly, where are the double chocolate chunk cookies?"

"Why do you assume we have double chocolate chunk cookies?" Carly asked from her seat by the computer.

"Because you always keep double chocolate chunk cookies somewhere in this kitchen because Spencer needs them whenever one of his sculptures gets a bad review," Sam explained. She kept an entire inventory of the Shay kitchen in her head; usually she could find what she wanted faster than Carly could tell her. Usually. "Now where are they?"

"They're on top of the fridge." Carly waved her hand in the general direction.

Sam turned to look at the fridge. She couldn't see the box holding the chocolaty treat so she blindly reached around on top. Nothing. She pushed herself on to her toes and this time her finger tips brushed the side of the box. Unfortunately there was no way she was going to be able to grasp it. She let out a frustrated growl and slammed her fist on the refrigerator door.

"Just because you're short doesn't mean you need to take it out on the fridge."

Sam scowled. Freddie was leaning against the island in the middle of the kitchen smirking oh so smugly at her.

"I'll be back I'm going to grab my camera." Carly hopped off her chair and was up the stairs and out of sight a moment later. Sam was glaring and Freddie was still smirking.

"You know, if you ask nicely I would help you."

She glared.

And he smirked.

She glared.

And he smirked.

She grinned.

And he frowned.

"Oh no." Sam had that glint in her eyes and before he could get away she had grabbed his arm, dragged him towards the fridge and was forcing him to the ground.

"On your hands and knees, Benson."

Once in position Sam stepped on to Freddie's back. He groaned.

"Man up, Fredward. I'm not that heavy." Sam could easily see and reach the cookies now. She grabbed the box and jumped down, Freddie fell flat of the floor. Sam leaned against the island, broke open the cookies and pulled three or four from the box at once.

Carly came down stairs a moment later, camera swinging from her hand. "Freddie could you upload some pictures to- Sam what did you do to him now?"

"I think she crushed my spine." Freddie said as he pushed himself up.

Sam shrugged. "He volunteered his help I only took him up on his offer."

"Well apologize or thank him or whatever." Sam turned to Freddie. "Thanks Freddork." She offered her hand and pulled him off the ground.

"No problem." He replied sarcastically and rubbed his back. He returned to his sandwich, Sam continued to munch on her cookies and Carly uploaded her pictures herself. After a few minutes of silence Freddie heard Sam clear her throat and looked over at her through the corner of his eye.

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