iGive And Take by Tansy Petals

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iGive And Take by Tansy Petals

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Friendship
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 6,198
Published: Aug 6, 2011


Freddie thinks that Sam falling in love with him may be the best thing that's ever happened for the iCarly trio.


They'd been dating for about five months when he discovered that all he had to do to get her to study was let her perch on his lap and she was willing to sit for hours (albeit under the guise of making his legs go dead, but still).

At first, he thought she wasn't actually learning anything, so he quizzed her and was pleasantly surprised when she got all the answers correct, even the obscure one that he himself had had to double check.

He bribed her into helping him and Carly wash cars for charity by offering up an hour of making out and when he promised to take her to an all-you-can-eat buffet if she finished her project on time she started it immediately and actually finished before him. She finished on Friday night, the project due in on Monday and what with taking her to the buffet for lunch Saturday afternoon, taking her to see a movie Sunday evening and being wrapped around her in between, Freddie almost didn't finish HIS project.


He worried sometimes, in the back of his mind, that she though his agreeing to their dating was just another of Carly's endless schemes to get her through school, but then she'd kiss him for no reason other than because she could and he'd forget to worry as he got lost in the feel of her skin and the scent of her hair.


Despite the fact they're in love with each other, Freddie knows that there are some things Sam will only ever share with Carly, and he's perfectly okay with that.

That doesn't mean that hearing his name in their whispered conversations doesn't turn him into a big ball of nerves.

He's sitting on the couch in the Shay's living room, pretending to watch the newest episode of Celebrities Underwater and Sam and Carly are in the kitchen, murmuring in soft voices that he can just about hear if he focuses.

"You know he loves you right?" Carly asks, taking a sip of her drink. Sam doesn't respond verbally but Freddie assumes she's nodding - He's told her he loves her.

"I just... he told me a while ago that he was worried you felt he was just playing your feelings to manipulate you into passing school."

Freddie isn't gonna lie; he feels kind of betrayed that Carly is sharing that fact. Mostly though, he just feels anxious to hear Sam's response.

There's a clink he imagines is Sam putting her glass down and then she sighs.

"Freddie's a good guy Carls, he'd never toy with me like that. Besides, do you really think I want to end up stuck here while you two go off to university? Frednerd gave me the perfect way to kick myself into gear, but I know that he'd kiss me regardless of whether I did what he wants or not." Sam drops the serious tone and smirks at Carly, "He can't resist me."

"That's true enough," Carly laughs, "It's so cute how he's always watching you, like he can't take his eyes off you."

Freddie risks glancing at the girls and sees Sam bashfully tucking her hair behind her ear. He smiles, getting to his feet and walking over to them, standing behind Sam and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What are you two whispering about?" he asks innocently.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Sam grins, spinning in his grasp to place a soft kiss on his lips. He's discovered that for all her attitude and temper are painfully hard, there are a lot of soft things about his girlfriend; her hair, her skin, her eyes when he tells her he loves her. Sam's eyes are his favourite of her features, were even before she kissed him twice - he's seen more shades of blue than he thought even existed in her eyes over the years he's known her.

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