Wonderful by harley.doll

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Before Spencer knows it, it's September, they're back in school and Carly is waxing happy, if not philosophical, about prom, skip days and graduation dresses. Sam has only expressed interest in the second and Spencer can't help but laugh when Freddie points out that for Sam every other Friday is senior skip day.

"Calm down kiddo," he says to Carly. "I know you're excited but give your big bro a chance to adjust okay?"

"Growing up is a natural part of life. Just like being super excited to finally be getting out of high school." Sam lifts her hand for a high five which Carly gleefully returns. "Is your mom taking it any better?" she asks Freddie, leaning around Sam. All three are lounging on the couch, Freddie facing the TV with his arm across the back of the couch, Sam with her back against Freddie's side and Carly with Sam's legs in her lap.

"She's stopped bursting into tears every time I leave for school," he says darkly. "But this morning she hugged me for seven minutes. I was blue by the time she let go."

"Did you expect anything different from Cra-, I mean her?" Sam has made a conscious effort to stop referring to Ms. Benson as "Crazy" (when Freddie is around) and it has taken months, but Freddie appreciates the progress.

"Nope. Guess not," he says with a small smile. He presses a little kiss to Sam's temple and Sam elbows him with as much restraint as she can muster. Spencer smiles at the happy twinkle he sees in her eye.

"Since you just referred to Mrs. Benson as a person, I won't point out that you two are the cutest couple I've ever seen," Carly teases with a smile. Sam raises an eyebrow, but can't help grinning back.

"Watch it, Shay," she replies lightheartedly. She nudges Carly's leg with her shoe and Spencer wishes that they could stay like this forever.

Except not on his couch.

Freddie's mom has insisted that he apply to the most prestigious schools in the country even though he's told her countless times that he just wants to stay in Washington. Carly has applied to five of her top twelve schools already and has dragged Sam on each of her tours because "I've worked too hard to keep you out of correctional facilities to just let you screw it up once I leave," by which she means "You have potential that will go untapped if I don't make you do this and trust me, you'll regret it." Sam always responds with "I would so own prison," which means "I know. Thanks."

In October Freddie starts searching for the best art programs in Washington on Spencer's laptop (after diligently swearing not to open any type of communication from Socko). He knows Sam could make it into an art program, but he's not so sure how well she'll respond to him making inquiries behind her back and he asks Spencer how he should approach her with this information.

"In public. And maybe near a hospital." Freddie pales and Spencer pats his shoulder supportively. "She's going to hate this regardless, so just go for it."

So now, while he and Carly are studying for a sociology test and Sam's showing Spencer gross Splashface videos, Freddie makes his move.

"So, I looked at the web site for Eastern Seattle University. They require a certain SAT score and an essay to get in to their art program."

Sam snorts. "That was a waste of time. You can't draw."

"You can."

"Why would I subject myself to another four years of school? I think I'd actually prefer death."

"I thought you'd say something like that, so I've already sent an inquiry letter and some of your drawings. They want to meet you."


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