Hope Of Dawning Obsoletion by winteredspark

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Hope of Dawning Obsoletion by winteredspark

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Humor
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 8,181
Published: Nov 22, 2010


[ f r e e - v e r s i n g ]

"in five...four...three...two..."

as soon as freddie's voice hit 'two' both co-hosts allowed smiles to stretch across their faces. carly's smile seemed to be genuine and a laugh escaped as she waggled her head perkily. sam's smile was all pre-meditation, however.

"i'm carly," the brunette said with another chuckle.

time seemed to slow down until every minute detail became visible to sam's ocean blue eyes. she wasn't sure when or why such things as carly's enrapturing laugh or fredwad's nubbish comments had become so important to her - she was supposed to be the one who didn't care about the details, not the girl who relished them.

now she saw the slightest lifting of carly's eyebrows and freddie's motioning hand as they wondered why she wasn't continuing with her part.

"i'm sam," she echoed hoarsely, adding a shrug to her greeting. better not to let down carly, freddie and the fans then blank out due to her dominant self-insecurities.

she saw freddie giving her a look that meant 'i know something's wrong' and it took a substantial amount of self-control to simply shake her head nonchalantly and glare at him until he was forced to look away. sam puckett doesn't need protection.


as she exited the studio (exactly thirteen seconds after freddie said "and we're clear," but who's counting?) she could hear freddie's tennis shoes tapping against the wooden floorboards.

"what's wrong?" oh she hated the question that sprung from his lips. it made her sound like she was some stupid damsel in distress, just sitting there and waiting for her prince charming to come and rescue her from her petty problems.

"wouldn't you like to know," she responded harshly, kneeding the ground below her toes. "besides, if something actually was wrong, why do you think i would tell a nub like you?"

his expression darkened and unwillingly she wondered if she'd truly hurt him this time - what a pansy she'd become in the span of several months and how she loathed it, the desperate need.

"i love you," he called back to carly just as the brunette followed them from the studio, clutching her phone tightly in her hands.

"love you too," she mumbled, pre-occupied, as she gave him a sidewise, brotherly hug. "sam, are you spending the night?"

"why not?" sam responded with another shrug. "is spencer cooking ribs?" the blonde gave her a look that meant 'he'd better be making ribs.'

she took the hint, "i'll go ask." and with a swish of dark hair their best friend had darted downstairs.

another acute silence fell over the pair and finally sam mumbled, "i don't need protection."

freddie shrugged, "i never said you did." a final pause, longer than any before it. "why won't you let me love you, sam?"

on the outside sam just stared at him as if his words didn't compute but on the inside she flinched as if he'd pierced her with a shiny knife to the gut, "maybe...maybe a nub like you doesn't deserve my trust."

freddie gritted his teeth and looked away for a moment, "i get it." and then he was gone, stomping down the stairs like he owned the place, his expression carefully neutral as he bade carly and spencer goodbye.

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