Seddie Oneshots: 450 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,584
Published: Dec 5, 2010


Freddie struggled to keep his mind on whatever it was Ms. Briggs was lecturing about in his English class, knowing if he didn't start performing back up to his usual standards in her class, his title of valedictorian when he graduated next year was sure to be lost.

Yet the only thing he seemed able to focus on was the blonde in the desk in front of him.

He knew back when him and Sam began dating, more than three months ago, that he'd probably have some trouble concentrating with her in front of him, but what guy could focus on grammar and short stories with his girlfriend mere inches away from him anyway?

Now that they had broken up, though, he was getting frustrated with himself that he continued to allow her to take over his mind for this one-hour period every.

Well, every hour, really. It wasn't as though Sam Puckett just magically left his mind after class. Thoughts of her circulated his head almost every waking minute.

Freddie let out a soft sigh, trying to listen to what was being said about some author and some 'turn-of-the-century-novel', but he knew it was hopeless.

Freddie knew there was no use denying the fact that the blonde in front of him still held his heart. From the second they decided they were going to break up two months and sixteen days ago in that elevator, he knew he didn't want to give her up.

But he did, because that was the best thing to do, right? They were so different and fought more than any couple should. Yet...they had said they'd try again some day. Freddie just wished that day would hurry up and get here.

Suddenly, Freddie noticed that Sam didn't seem to be paying attention to Ms. Briggs either, though that was hardly a surprise. What was a surprise, however, was that she was passing tiny slips of paper back and forth with the boy she was sitting next to.

Freddie turned his gaze towards this boy, Shawn Lawrence. He was the new kid, having transferred from some school in Kentucky a few weeks ago, but that's all Freddie really knew about him.

When Ms. Briggs looked away to write something on the board, Sam quickly turned in her seat to pass Shawn another note.

That's when Freddie caught sight of her face. Her cheeks were red, and she was giving Shawn her signature smirk, and her eyes were sparkling.

Shawn smiled back at her, quickly reading the note, and giving a quiet laugh before scribbling down his response.

Her and I used to write notes, Freddie thought to himself sadly, still staring at Sam's beautiful expression. And I'd pretend it annoyed me because I was trying to learn, but...but I loved it when we did that.

He watched as Sam read Shawn's response, laughing almost loud enough to draw attention from Briggs, and Freddie's heart sank.

Well she's not writing notes with you anymore, Freddie told himself, begging his mind to block out what was happening in front of him. He might have clung on to those words in the elevator, the 'We'll try it again' and the 'I love you', but to Sam, those words seemed to have faded. She's moved on.


"-And he skateboards! He was once in a commercial doing some fancy skate trick when he was a kid! How cool is that?" Sam said excitedly a few days later as her and Carly sat in Carly's bedroom. "And he has an autographed poster from the creator of Girly Cow!"

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