Can't Get Over You by Coyote Laughs

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Can't Get Over You by Coyote Laughs

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Angst
Characters: Freddie B.
Words: 641
Published: Jan 25, 2011


[ s o n g - f i c ]

The modest yacht sat still in the languid ocean, a dark cloudless sky stretching from one horizon to the other. A myriad number of stars twinkled down from the sky, while the full moon shown with all her glory. The sails sat lifeless on the mast, with nary a breeze to be felt.

Freddie sat on the rear deck of his yacht, his eyes closed. The only other life in sight was a mutt of a dog, black and white, lazing about near his feet. Freddie's hands danced and twirled along a square sheet of paper, folding and creasing it until it became a little boat. Still with his eyes closed, Freddie dropped the paper boat over the side. Opening his eyes, he looked down at the dog. "Guess it's time to check the mail..."

He walked into the cabin, sitting himself behind a sleek black laptop. While waiting for the laptop to power up, he glanced around the cabin. Books and papers were scattered about haphazardly on the table, but beyond that, the cabin was clean. He entered his password and, through the miracle of satellite technology, was able to access the internet. Several mail messages awaited him. Ignoring the work related ones and the ones from his mother, he saw that there one from one Carly Shay Gibson. Opening it, he read:


It's time to stop running away. Your friends and your mom misses you. Our tenth year
high school reunion is this year. Please come. For me.


P.S. And I know for sure that she'll be there. She's already promised me.

He sighed deeply. He knew that this was coming, but had chosen to ignore it. And now it was thrown into his face. Nearly a decade had passed, and still the memories hurt. Closing his eyes, he remembered a blonde girl, draped in his Boston sweatshirt, laying next to him in his bed. He remembered her in her sundress, standing on the rocks, being filmed by him. He remembered passionate nights in the back seat of his mom's car. And he remembered how cruel he had been. How he woke her up and made her stand in line with him for several hours just to buy the new PearPhone for Carly. How he would get ready for a date with Carly while she laid in his bed, draped in his Boston sweatshirt.

He knew she loved him, but he was blinded in his pursuit of Carly. And when Carly and he didn't work, like she knew it wouldn't, she was already gone from his life. And he was the one left hurting.

He wished that these memories could be swept from his mind, like leaves being swept from an almost barren tree during the early winter. He wanted to forget. But he needed to remember.

Taking a sheet of paper, he began to fold and crease it. He hated folding this particular origami. Putting a final fold in, he peered at the tiny crane form in his hand. Another regret neatly folded and ready to be hung up. Closing his eyes, he leaned back on the bench. After several deep breaths, he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling of the cabin. Hundreds and hundreds of cranes hung there, all staring hauntingly at him.


Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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