Seddie Oneshots: 631 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,329
Published: Dec 5, 2010
Updated: June 29, 2015


[ sequel to previous oneshot ]

"Hey, do I smell chicken soup?" Freddie asked as he came into the Shay's apartment.

"Yup, I just made a pot," Carly nodded.

"How come?"

"It's for Sam when she comes over in a little for iCarly," Carly replied. "She's been feeling really sick all day."
"Sam's sick?" Freddie frowned, concerned. Even if him and Sam weren't a couple anymore, he still cared about her, after all.

"Yeah, she has a pretty bad cold," Carly said. "She thinks she got it playing out in the mud the other day. I told her she shouldn't, but does she listen to me? Nooo."

"Well is she alright to do the show?" Freddie asked.

"She says she'll try," Carly said. "But Gibby's going to be on standby to jump in for her if he needs to. Hopefully she'll be fine, though. I really don't want to have to do the idiot farm girl bit with him. I always worry about how much of 'acting' he's really doing during those."

"Well I'm gonna go upstairs and start setting up," Freddie said. "When Sam gets here, tell her I have a ton of medicine across the hall if she needs it."

"I will," Carly smiled.

As Freddie hurried upstairs, Spencer retreated out of his room. "Hey, who's making soup? I'm starved."

"It's not for you," Carly told her brother.

"Aw!" Spencer moaned. "Why do you always make soup and never share with me?"

"It's for Sam, she's sick," Carly explained. "So keep your paws off her food or you know she'll sneeze all over you like last time."
"Gross," Spencer cringed, stepping into the kitchen. "Well...fine then! If you're not going to make me soup, I'll just make it for myself! do I make soup?"

"You get a can and heat it up," Carly said, rolling her eyes. "It's not rocket science."

Just then the front door opened up and Sam dragged her feet in, wearing old sweatpants and a baggy old sweatshirt.

But not just any old sweatshirt.

The second her best friend entered her apartment, Carly recognized that the sweatshirt was one of Freddie's old ones.

"Hey," Sam coughed, closing the front door behind her.

"Hi," Carly said quickly, choosing not to mention her best friend's attire. "So are you feeling any better?"

"Not really," Sam mumbled. "My head's pounding and my throat hurts and my nose is all clogged."
"Well I made you soup," Carly said. "And Freddie has medicine across the hall he said you could take. Maybe between all that you'll feel a little better."

"Thanks," Sam sniffed as Carly handed her a bowl of the soup. "I'll go ask Fredwad for the medicine then. He upstairs?"

"Yeah," Carly nodded. "You should lie down up there too until the show starts."
"Don't have to tell me twice," Sam replied.

She trudged upstairs, leaving the Shay siblings alone in the kitchen.

"Aw," Carly said softly. "Did you see what Sam was wearing, Spence?"
"Um...I generally don't concern myself with the fashion choices of teenage girls," Spencer frowned.

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