iGive You My Congratulations by LuDiamonds

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iGive You My Congratulations by LuDiamonds

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Drama & Romance
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 4,684
Published: Jul 8, 2009


[ s o n g f i c ]

I curled up into a ball and cried, knowing that this time would be the last time I would cry because I had to put on my makeup soon. I didn't want a waterfall of black mush running down my face, so this would have to be the last time.

He invited me to his wedding. His wedding. I haven't seen him in 10 years, and he invites me to his wedding, his wedding with her.

How dare he?

Well, I suppose it wasn't his fault, I never told him, I should have, but I didn't. He would have never figured it out himself anyway, and I didn't have the guts to tell him. So when we all left for college I gave him a big hug and told him I'd be seeing him around. I look back to that day and mentally kick myself for not telling him...

Finally, the day we've all been looking forward to. Getting out of this stupid town.

We all planned it so we would have the whole summer together and then we would all leave on the same day. Carly would be going to Memphis to be a neurosurgeon, Freddie would be going to DC, he's getting into government, and I'm going to California, to pursue my dream of being an actress. We were all at the airport together, laughing, pretending that this was not could be very well be the last time we were together for the rest of our lives.

Carly's flight was the first one to leave. Freddie got up and grabbed her in a huge hug and they said their goodbyes. With tear filled eyes (but not one left my eyes) I pulled her into a hug and whispered a promise that we would talk every night. She laughed, and then she was gone, to start her life.

Freddie and I talked for a while after she left, but we already had that gloomy feeling of everything coming to an end hovering around us. Then it was time to leave. My flight was boarding.

I grabbed my one suitcase in one hand and fumbled with the strap of my carry-on bag in the other.

"Well, I guess this is it, Benson," I said looking at the ground.

Tell him. Sam! Tell him now!

"Yeah, I guess," he mumbled.

I bit my lip and looked up at him and to see that he was staring at me. We both stared at each other for a couple minutes until Freddie took two giant steps towards me and enveloped me in a giant hug. I laughed and dropped my suitcase and my bag and wrapped my arms around his neck. He put his chin on the top of my head and I rested mine on his shoulder.

I wrenched my eyes shut willing the tears to not pour like they were threatening to.

I should tell him. Tell him now. Quickly whisper into his year how much I've been in love with him all these years and then leave so I wouldn't have to see his reaction. How easy would that be?

Finally I pulled away from him, I really had a flight to catch.

Both of his hands were on my arms still, and I was surprised to see that his eyes were watery, like mine.

"Freddie I-," I started.

I was going to tell him. I was going to tell him right now.

I sighed, no I couldn't.

"-I'm going to miss you," I finished dejectedly.

He gave me a confused look.

"I'm going to miss you, too, Sam," he said.

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