Seddie Oneshot: 295 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,654
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"I know! You can put it in the cake!"

"What?" Freddie frowned, adjusting his tie.

"You know," Spencer explained. "Go talk to the chefs at the restaurant and get them to put the ring in the cake for desert, and when Sam takes a bite of it, she'll find and then you propose! It's brilliant, she'll love it!"

"Or she'll gulp down the cake so fast that she'll choke on the ring!" Freddie pointed out.

"Well!" Spencer said indignantly. "That's the ninth idea of mine that you rejected."

"I'm sorry, it's just...this has to be perfect, okay?" Freddie sighed. "It's not like I'm asking Sam about the weather here, I'm asking her to marry me. I can't screw this up. And now I have-" he looked at his watch. "Three hours before I'm supposed to pick Sam up and I still have no idea of how I'm going to do this!"

"Okay, calm down," Spencer said. "I know this isn't easy-"

"I will not calm down!" Freddie exclaimed. "How do you expect me to be calm when I'm about to go and ask my girlfriend the most important question of our lives?"

"Look, I know you're nervous, Freddie," Spencer said. "But it will be fine. Sam and you are in love, you've been dating for almost three've got this. Even if you propose to her in the stupidest way possible, she's not going to care. All she's going to care about is getting to marry you."

"But what if she says no?" Freddie asked.

"Dude, you're being ridiculous," Spencer said. "Sam's not going to say no. Didn't you hear what I just said? She loves you."

"Yeah, but-"

"Every guy feels like this when they're about to propose," Spencer said. "It's natural. But just remember, you'll be fine."

Freddie smiled. "Thanks, Spence."


"Freddie?" Sam frowned as she opened up the door of the apartment her and Carly shared. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming by to pick me up for our date until seven. I'm not-"

But he cut her off by kissing her passionately on the lips.

"Um, hi!" Carly said after nearly two minutes.

"Hey Carls," Freddie said, breathless, as he pulled away from his girlfriend. He handed her a bouquet of red roses. "These are for you."

"Thanks," Sam smiled. "But baby, why are you so early? I'm nowhere near ready." She pulled at her ratty old tank top and sweatpants. "As you can tell."

"I think you look beautiful," Freddie told her. "And I canceled our dinner reservations on my way over here and called in for an extra-large meat supreme pizza. I thought we could just sort of hang out here together. You know, eat pizza, watch lame movies on Getflix...have a chill date night."

"Wait? So I don't get to do her hair and make-up?" Carly asked, somewhat disappointed.

"Hey, I'm down for that," Sam grinned. "But, um," she lowered her voice. "Carly's gonna be here all night, just so you know, so we won't really be able to-"

But just then Carly's phone rang.

"Hello? Spencer?" she answered. "You got your foot stuck in what? Again? Ugh, I'm on my way."

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