Seddie Oneshots: 296 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,974
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Wow, so your dad's really a landscaper?" Carly said. "That must be so cool."

"It is pretty interesting," the pretty, tall, dark-haired girl nodded.

"Yeah, doesn't Katie's family sound amazing?" Freddie said, putting his arm around his new girlfriend's shoulder. "It's not hard to see why she came out so amazing as well."

"Aw, sweetie!" Katie squealed.

"Yes, that was...adorable," Carly said, feeling awkward as the new couple exchanged a kiss in front of her.

"Hey! Whoa, who's this?" Spencer asked, coming into the apartment.

"This is Katie, my new girlfriend," Freddie introduced. "Katie, this is Carly's brother, Spencer."

"Oh yeah, Freddie told me about you last night," Spencer said, shaking the girls hand.

"Hi! I just love your apartment!" Katie said brightly. "All your sculptures are just so beautiful and life like! You are such a brilliant artist."

"Well...thanks," Spencer said, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sea of compliments that was just hurled at him. "So, how long have you and Freddie been dating?"

"Two magical weeks," Katie replied.

"Yup," Freddie said happily. "We met down at the comic book shop."

"You like comics?" Spencer frowned.

"She wasn't in there buying any comics," Freddie explained.

"I found a wallet outside the store," Katie told him. "And I went inside to turn it into the manager so whoever lost it could have it returned to them."

"Isn't she just the nicest person you ever met?" Freddie grinned.

"Uh-huh," Carly said politely, trying not to feel nauseous from the amount of peppiness this girl was bringing to the atmosphere. "So, you two have any coupley plans for tonight?"

"I wish," Freddie sighed. "But my mom's making me go to this seminar with her on the dangers of open-toed shoes."

"Oh, make sure you tell your mom I said hi," Katie said. "She's such a sweet woman."

Spencer nearly choked on the juice he had just begun to sip.

"Thanks," Freddie said. "But I'm just sorry you're going to have to spend the night by yourself. I know you don't know too many people in Seattle yet. Hey! Maybe you can go and do something with Carly?"

"Oh!" Carly said, caught off guard. "Well...I-I don't see why not, um...I-I-"

"Aw, it's sweet of you to offer, Carly," Katie said, giving Carly a hug. "But I actually just found out that an old friend of mine lives right here in Seattle! I think I'm going to stop by her place and catch up!"

"Oh, well that's perfect then!" Freddie said.

"Did you just move to Seattle?" Spencer asked.

"Yup, from Texas," Katie answered. "I used to go to a boarding school there. But then my dad got transferred here a couple of weeks ago, and he found out about that Briarwood Prep school, and he asked me if I'd like to go there so I could be close to my family, and I thought it sounded like a great idea!"

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