Seddie Oneshots: 247 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 6,260
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"So I think that we can get Spencer to lend us parts from his olds lawn mower," Carly said, flipping through her notebook. "And we can use those to build a small working Ferris wheel for our model theme park, sound good, you guys?"

"Sure," Sam said, not looking up from her laptop.

"That sounds...cute," Patrice, who was working with Sam and Carly on this school project, said. "But what if instead of making a Ferris wheel, we make this ride called Tunnel of Forbidden Love, where the riders get to go on a virtual journey of a poor forsaken girl who fell in love with a vampire and a-"

"How about no?" Sam snapped.

"Um, what she means is," Carly said quickly. "Mr. Lumpkin gave pretty specific instructions for this project, and he did mention that he'd like us to make a model of a traditional theme park, and I just don't think a ride like that is very...traditional."

"Oh, okay," Patrice shrugged. "Then I guess we can do a Ferris wheel."

"Great," Carly said. "Then why don't we meet back here tomorrow to work on it?"

"Cool," Patrice said, getting to her feet. "I'll see you too then. I need to pick up my new designer bag. Later!"

"Why'd we get stuck working with her?" Sam groaned as Patrice left the Shay's apartment.

"Oh come on, she's not that bad," Carly said. "Besides, Mr. Lumpkin's the one that picked our groups, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah," Sam said, heaving herself off the couch. "You have any spaghetti tacos leftover?"

"There should be a few left that you didn't devour last night," Carly said. "Anyway, just try to be nice to Patrice while she's working with us on this project. I don't understand why you don't seem to like her in the first place."

"Because she's one of the prissiest girls in Ridgeway!" Sam pointed out. "And the ditsiest. Plus she's always skipping all over the place with her little clique...It makes me sick."

"What makes you sick?" Freddie asked, letting himself into the apartment.

"Nothing," Sam mumbled.

"We just finished working on our art project with Patrice," Carly explained. "She just left a few minutes ago."

"Oh I know, I saw her down in the lobby when I was coming back from the Groovy Smoothie," Freddie said.

"Did she gush all over you because she still thinks you're a vampire from that video?" Sam scoffed, taking a bite of her spaghetti taco.

"No, actually, her and I had a nice conversation for a little bit down there," Freddie said. "In fact, I've never realized it before, but Patrice is actually pretty cool. I mean, sure, I've always thought she was attractive, but she really seems like a great girl. Which is why I asked her to have dinner with me this Saturday night."

Sam nearly chocked on her spaghetti taco. Even Carly looked rather shocked.

"You mean you asked her out?" Carly frowned.

"Yeah," Freddie nodded. "We have reservations for Pini's at six."

"Um, I-wow," Carly said. "That's just really...unexpected."

"Yeah," Sam said, finally managing to swallow her food. "Poor Patrice. Not even she deserves something as terrible as a dinner alone with you."

"You survived them, didn't you?" Freddie reminded her.

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