iKnow He Likes Me by Tansy Petals

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iKnow He Likes Me by Tansy Petals

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Friendship
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,078
Published: Jan 31, 2011



"Careful," Carly's voice rang clearly through the cool evening air, "don't let her trip."

"I won't," Melanie assured, tightening her hands on Sam's shoulders as she guided her forward.

The temperature changed noticeably as they stepped into the club where the twin's 18th birthday was being held and Carly signalled Freddie to hit the lights.

Melanie uncovered Sam's eyes as all of their friends and relatives turned towards the entrance. Sam looked around with wide eyes sparkling and laughed happily, throwing her arms around Carly's neck.

"It's actually awesome." She bubbled, releasing Carly to hug Melanie. Sam's special present to her sister had been to let the older girl plan their entire birthday, from the colours to the food to the decorations, no glitter spared.

"Do you really like it?" Melanie asked, her voice muffled in Sam's hair.

"I honestly love it." Sam trilled. The room was bedecked with purple and silver streamers, crepe paper and banners, black and purple helium-filled balloons anchored everywhere.

The two blondes separated and Carly produced two silver tiaras from her bag which matched her outfit perfectly, and handed one to each twin.

"Hey girls," Freddie smiled, sauntering over and pulling Sam into a hug. The two broke apart a moment later and then Carly dragged Freddie off to the bar, leaving the Puckett sisters with strict instructions not to move. The two brunettes returned a few minutes later supporting a giant cake between them. The cake was split in to two parts, one shaped like a 1, the other like an 8. The 1 was covered in pale pink frosting with bright pink piping that read Happy Bday Mels. The 8 was covered in white icing, blue piping decorating the sides and edges, the top covered in chocolate sprinkles. A silver plastic Happy Birthday sign was stuck into the sponge, Sam's name shaped below it in tiny white marshmallows.

"Wow." Sam enthused, a delighted smile spreading from her eyes to her lips. "It almost looks too good to eat."

"Almost," Freddie chuckled and Sam beamed at him, as Melanie took her hand. The two girls leaned in together and blew the silver candles out amidst camera flashes and the beeping of camcorders.

Spencer came forward to take the cakes from Carly and Freddie and return them to the kitchen to be cut up. The music was turned up as the majority of the guests migrated to the dance floor. Freddie excused himself and hopped onto a stool at the end of the bar to watch the party unfold.

Two hours later

"Sam. Saaaa-aam SAM!"

"What, what?" Sam asked, jumping violently and narrowly avoiding spilling her drink down her black and purple party dress. Carly giggled and leaned forward until her lips were right next to Sam's ear.

"Freddie's staring at you." She whispered giddily. Melanie laughed and threw an arm around her younger twin's waist. "He's got a crush on you Sammie," the blonde grinned. Sam glared back and swiped her sister's drink, gulping down the bright blue liquid.

"Don't be stupid, he's probably staring at you Carls."

"Nu-uh, I came from the other side of the room to tell you that he was staring."

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