Fishtail by KeyLimePie14

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Fishtail by KeyLimePie14

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Humor
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.,
Words: 3,860
Published: Feb 22, 2012


"Jesus Sam, I'm trying to keep us from dying and all you can think about is the radio?" Freddie chastised the blonde girl sitting in the passenger seat. Sam scoffed and turned the music up, causing Freddie to clench his teeth and grip the steering wheel harder. The road was very icy and Freddie's eyes strained to maintain focus on the road ahead.

"You aren't doing anything but chauffeuring, Benson," Sam leaned back and looked out the window, taking in the winter wonderland that was Yakima.

The three friends as well as Spencer had made a visit to Carly's grandfather's for the Christmas break. Freddie's mom had gotten called out of town because her sister was sick and got stuck in Chicago due to the big snow storm that had blown through. She wasn't expected to be home until Christmas Eve, so in an attempt to make sure Freddie still had Christmas she granted him permission to go with the Shay's. Sam just tagged along because she could. And because she was, of course, Carly's best friend.

"Oh yeah, because driving on ice is the easiest thing in the world to do," He rolled his eyes, slowing his speed a little more. He reached over and flicked off the radio, relaxing slightly from the silence. Sam groaned and kicked her foot against the dashboard.

"Why do you insist on being a nub?"

"Same reason you insist on being vicious. I can't help it," He risked a smug smirk in her direction. She growled and punched him hard in the arm. Groaning in pain he somehow fought the urge to argue back. Arguing with Sam took his complete and undivided attention, attention that he was currently using to keep the car in control.

"Whatever," Sam grumbled, mad that she had failed to get a rise out of him. "Are we almost there?"

Freddie scoffed at her, "We're practically in the middle of nowhere, and there are only trees around us. Does it really look like we're almost there?" Sam rolled her eyes in response as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"It was only a question." Freddie didn't retaliate, and instead they both sat in silence for a while, Sam staring absently out the window and Freddie concentrating hard to see through the snow that was blowing across his windshield. He gritted his teeth together as the wipers moved at full speed, desperately trying to keep the window clear, but to no avail.

"Butter," Freddie muttered under his breath as he attempted to at least pull off to the side of the road. He turned his steering wheel to the right and made sure his foot was on the brake. The wheels groaned under the packed snow and quickly began to lose traction. Sam's head snapped up as the vehicle's front wheels locked up, causing the vehicle's rear to spin out swerving back and forth until it slammed into a snow bank. "Chizsticks!" Freddie muttered again, pulling the lever on his door and throwing it open.

"Fredlumps! What happened?" Sam followed in his actions, crunching her feet in the snow. She squinted through the falling snow and made out his figure pushing through a snow bank, trying to free the rear end of the vehicle. She shook her head at the boy's feeble and useless attempts.

"The car fishtailed." Sam's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but Freddie kept talking. "And now," He grunted as he shoved more snow out of the way, "We're stuck." His arms fell limp to his side and his body shook with cold. He crossed his arms over his chest and stomped back to the front of the car, slipping inside his already open door. Sam followed suit, wrapping her zip up hoodie tighter around her slim body.

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