The Phone Calls That Never Came by Tsukiaa

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The Phone Calls That Never Came by Tsukiaa

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Humor
Words: 2,369
Published: Jun 23, 2008

They were gone —they were all gone. All his numbers, email addresses, fax numbers, whatever contact he had on his cell phone — erased. Vanished. He didn't know how or why, but they were gone.

"Great." Freddie shut his phone closed, groaning in great frustration. "Just great."

Freddie's mom took that moment to enter his room. "Freddie?" She asked, knocking on the door slightly. "Can I come in?" She took a step inside without waiting for an answer. "It's time for your tick bath."

"Mom, I don't have any ticks. I—" Freddie paused for a moment to turn to her, his empty cell phone in hand. "Did you do something to my cell phone? All my contacts are missing."

Ms. Benson's fingers fidgeted. "Uhm, is that so?" She took a step back into the living room. "You know, I think I hear dinner calling… I should start now…"

Freddie looked up at the time. It read 2:45 in the afternoon. He looked at her weirdly. "Mom, it's too early for dinner."

"You see? That's the reason why you look so malnourished!"

"Mom! I'm not malnourished! We just finished lunch!" Freddie paused. "Mom… did you touch my cell phone while you were gone?"

Ms. Benson sweat-dropped. "And why would I do that?" Droplets of suspicious sweat fell from her forehead. "It's not— it's not like I took it to see if you have a girlfriend and then accidentally press the erase button!"

She was caught red-handed. Freddie groaned aloud, shoulders sagging in despair. "Mooom!" He was used to shouting her name already. "I had all those important contacts in there! All of my friends' numbers were in there!" He exclaimed. "Those were important! What if I need to call them, huh?"

"Well," She searched her brain for a solution — she didn't want Freddie to "rebel" again. "The people who really matter and care for you will be the ones who call you. Then you will know."

Freddie cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Then I will know what?"

Ms. Benson stepped back slowly, to add to the suspense. "Then… you… will… know! That's it!" She shut the door, only to open in a few moments later. "I'll get the bath started for you!"

"Mom!" He yelled for the umpteenth time. Sometimes his mom could be a pain.

Turning back to the cell phone in his hand, he thought carefully. "The people who matter will be the ones who call me, huh?"


Ring! Ring! Plain White T's "Our Time Now" began to play.

The first call he received wasn't from Carly. He expected it to be, but he was wrong.

You see, today, he was awfully late for the rehearsal's for tomorrow's taping, and he expected her to call him. You know, to worriedly ask where he was. Freddie could just imagine her tear streaked face as she whimpered, "I thought you were dead…"

But no.

Once he answered the phone, those thoughts immediately disappeared.

"Carly?" He answered on impulse, pressing his ear harder onto the receiver to hear her voice. "I'm sorry I'm-"

The voice on the other line chortled. "If you think I'm Carly, you must be stupid." It was Sam. "Dork."

Freddie groaned inwardly. It wasn't a good day—it was never really a good day once he heard her voice. "Listen. I'm going to be right-"

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