Seddie Oneshots: 413 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language;: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,870
Published: Dec 5, 2010


[ sequel to #392 ]

It had been one week since Carly had read Freddie's journal and caused Freddie to confess his lingering feelings for Sam. And ever since, Freddie had been more distant than Carly had ever seen him. He only came over to the apartment when they needed to do iCarly stuff, and even then, he wasn't the same Freddie who would constantly make Galaxy Wars references or drone on and on about tech news neither her nor Sam cared about.

Freddie had told her he would be fine, but Carly knew that he was far from that.

That afternoon, the three teens were up in the iCarly studio, working on planning for their upcoming show the next week.

"Okay, I think we should practice the alien cruise bit first," Carly said as Freddie fiddled on his laptop and Sam played on her phone. "And then work on finishing up that pet luau skit and our piece where Gibby has the ability to read minds."

She looked from Sam to Freddie, neither responding.


"Huh, oh, sure," Freddie nodded, still not meeting her gaze as he grabbed his camera. "I'm ready when you two are."

"You ready Sam?" Carly asked, turning to her best friend. "Sam?"

"Huh? I didn't do it!" Sam said, snapping her neck up.

"We have to rehearse," Carly said, rolling her eyes. "So if you could please put your phone down for two seconds that would be great. Who have you been texting all this time anyway?"

"You know that guy on the wrestling team? Joshua Hunter?" Sam asked, getting to her feet.

"Yeah..." Carly nodded. "What about him?"

"Today him and I had to work together during biology," Sam said, grinning. "And while we were supposed to be dissecting a frog or something, we were talking and he kept making all these really funny jokes. At the end of class we wound up swapping numbers and he seems like a pretty cool guy."
Carly could see Freddie stiffen up out of the corner of her eye.

Oh man, Carly thought to herself. Poor Freddie...

"Wow," Carly said, plastering on a fake smile. "That-That's really nice."

"Yeah, I thought he would be just another jerky jock, but he's so sweet too," Sam continued. "And since he's on the wrestling team, he's actually a decent opponent to have at arm wrestling! Guess how long it took me to beat him? Almost ten seconds! No one's ever lasted that long against me!"

Carly looked over her shoulder at Freddie, who was staring at his shoes. Suddenly, taking a deep breath, he walked back over to his tech cart and set his camera back down.

"Freddie?" Carly asked gently. "You-You okay?"

"Fine," Freddie mumbled. "I-I just remembered I left a casserole in the oven at home...I need to go check on it."

"Dude, you have to film us!" Sam said, but Freddie was already out of the studio.

"Okay, what's been up his butt lately?" Sam asked. "He's been all mopey for the past week. It's getting annoying."
Don't say anything, Carly told herself firmly. You promised Freddie!

"He, just, um, might have a lot on his plate," Carly said lamely.

"Whatever," Sam shrugged. "Anyway, since it looks like we're not doing any iCarly stuff without Fredwad, you care if I head out too? I want to send Josh a picture of Frothy, since he said that his cat was way more disgusting than mine. Once he gets a look at Frothy's weird growth and three legs, he's not going to have any argument."

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