¡Ay Corumba! by KeyLimePie14

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¡Ay Corumba! by KeyLimePie14

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Humor & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,410
Published: Oct 19, 2009


Okay, I'll admit... Sometimes Freddie can be rather amusing. When he ruthlessly declares his love for Carly? Yeah, I die laughing on the inside, every time. Heck, sometimes even on the outside. But another, kind of subtle reason I find myself laughing at the nub is his tendency to shout out random Spanish phrases.

Like, just a minute ago I mentioned buying some more ham and what does he do? He shouts 'jamón'. Seriously? What does that even mean? I don't know... But I found it funny. Gah! What is wrong with me? After that, he just turned back to his computer...

"Yo Fredward?"

"Yeah, Sam?"

"What does, 'gamon' mean?" Freddie chuckled. Why is he laughing at me?

"It's 'jamón, Sam. Pronounced with an 'h'. It means ham in Spanish."

"Oh, I see. Frednub?"

"Yeah, Sam?"

"Spaniards have a strange language." He laughed again. What is so funny? I was dead serious! I took Spanish last year and man, what is up with their alphabet? Whatever.

"...Didn't you take Spanish last year?"

"Yeah...and I repeat, 'Spaniards have a strange language'." He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"So, ¿Me puede decir lo que estoy diciendo?" I just give him a look that should read, 'are you kidding me?' Doesn't he understand that, yes, I took Spanish, but no, that doesn't mean I can comprehend what he's spitting out at me? Oy, this boy needs to learn a little something about me...

"Do you think I can really understand any of that? Spanish was the one class I could catch up on my sleep last year and not be sent to the principal's office for doing so, dork." He smirks and nods, as if he has some sort of plan up there in that head of his. "What's that look for, nub?" He just shakes his head and looks back to his computer, typing some more. I lean over his shoulder and see that he's doing Spanish online. Oh yeah... he did briefly mention he's taking a Spanish course online this semester. No wonder he's always spouting off Spanish.

"How did going to the principal's office stop you from sleeping in any other class?"

"...Well, it didn't." I reply cheekily. He chuckles and shakes his head, his fingers going faster than a hamster on a treadmill at this point. So me, being the naturally curious person that I am, lean over just a little more to watch what he's doing. I'm so close that my breath accidently falls over his neck. He jumps and turns to look at me.

"Sam, what in the heck are you doing?" I smirk; this boy is getting red around the collar.

"Why? Does it bother you, Fredward?" He sighs and turns back to the computer. I sit there a few seconds staring at his now shaky fingers hovering over the keyboard. I point to the screen, to some random Spanish phrase, and ask, "What does that mean?"

"Huh? ...Oh. That?" He points to the same thing with his cursor.

"Yes, that." I peck a little harder on his screen, making him growl under his breath.

"Sam, don't put a hole in my screen, would you please? And that phrase means, 'I am sixteen years old'."

"Ooh...I knew that looked familiar." He smirked up at me, rolling his eyes.

"Right, Sam."

"Hey! I learned something, Frednub!" I flicked him in the back of the head and his head fell forward, slamming against the screen. See? He can be funny. I laughed out loud. He groaned and glared at me, holding his forehead.

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