Seddie Oneshots: 367 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,667
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Sam?" Carly frowned, looking up from her textbook she was reading at her desk at her blonde roommate, who was loudly popping her gum as she listened to her Pearpod. "Sam!"

But of course Sam couldn't hear her over the music blaring into her ears, so with a groan of frustration, Carly got up and headed over to her best friend and yanked her headphones out.

"Hey!" Sam exclaimed indignantly. "What'd you do that for?"

"Because I'm trying to study, but all I hear is your music and gum popping!" Carly said.

"You've been studying all night, take a break," Sam said, rolling her eyes.

"No, the exam's tomorrow and I still have one more chapter to go over!" Carly snapped. "And in case you've're in this class too!"

"So I'll wing it," Sam shrugged.

"Sam, this is college now," Carly sighed. "You can't just wing it anymore, you need to study! Come on, we can pull an all-nighter together. It will be fun! We can order pizza and get some espresso shots."

"Fine," Sam mumbled.

"-And we can pop popcorn and order those special cookies from that bakery that delivers, and-wait. Did you just agree to study?" Carly frowned. "I haven't even got to the meat part of my bribe!"

"Let's just do this, okay," Sam said, grabbing her textbook from under her bed.

Carly gave her a strange look. "Okay, Puckett," she said, crossing her arms. "What's wrong?"

"What makes you think something's wrong?"

"Because it always takes me at least a good ten minutes to persuade you to do anything school-related," Carly said. "You never cave on my first try."

"Well...this exam's important, like you said," Sam shrugged.

"Who are you and what did you do with Sam?" Carly asked.

"Carls, jeesh, why is it such a shock that I'm studying?" Sam asked, a bit annoyed.

"It's just I've never seen you this...willing," Carly said.

"Well now I am!" Sam said.

"Okay," Carly conceded. "That's great then. I'm proud of you. But if you need to talk about-"

"I miss Freddie, okay?" Sam blurted out. "There. Happy?"

"Well Sam, of course you miss Freddie," Carly chuckled. "He's your boyfriend, and he's a million miles away at MIT."

"But I miss him a lot," Sam moaned. "I mean, I know I miss him all the time, but it's like lately he's all I can think about."

"Have you talked to him lately?"

"Not since the beginning of the week," Sam replied. "He has some big test this week too, and I didn't want to distract him."

"Oh, Sam, you're not a distraction to him," Carly said gently. "He loves you. He'd drop whatever he's doing to talk to you. It's sweet that you want him to focus on his exam, but if you feel this awful then just pick up the dang phone and call him! The only reason he hasn't called you already is probably because I mentioned we have that huge sociology test tomorrow and he didn't want to distract you."

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