Scrambled Eggs At Midnight by KeyLimePie14

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Scrambled Eggs At Midnight by KeyLimePie14

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Humor
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,405
Published: Oct 18, 2009


Samantha Puckett slipped out of her best friend, Carly Shay's, bed and ambled down the stairs to the kitchen, hungry for a late-night snack. She glanced at the clock; it flashed eleven-thirty. Sam wasn't surprised that her friend was asleep this early. Carly never was a night owl. She looked over to her left, slightly surprised to see Carly's brother, Spencer's light off as well. On nights like these when Sam couldn't sleep Spencer was usually the one that stayed up with her, watching T.V, or making her something to eat. Sam was a bit bummed to see that he was asleep in his own room tonight.

She walked over to the refrigerator and pulled the door open, letting the bright bulb inside illuminate the dark room. She stuck her head deep in and rummaged through all of the food. She grunted in discontent as she realized there was nothing worth eating in their fridge. She shut the door as quietly as possible, and turned to start looking through the cupboards for any kind of snack.

"Dammit." She muttered, shutting the last door leaning against the counter and trying to think of some place she could find something to eat. She searched through her memory bank, racking her brain for any restaurant that would deliver after hours. She came up with nothing.

If I was food, where would I be? She thought, trudging over to the couch and plopping down. She stared over at the front door when it hit her. Freddie. She really didn't like the thought of trying Freddie's house for food, but she was so hungry she decided to risk entering the threshold of Crazy and her son.

She got up and made her way over to the door, unlatching the lock and pulling the door open. She closed it, making sure the lock didn't catch before turning around to face the apartment across the hall. She took a deep breath and reached up to knock on the wooden door. She leaned against the door frame and awaited an answer.

Just as she was about to knock again the door flew open, revealing a tall, dark-haired boy. His face was contorted in confusion and slight anger.

"Did you know it was me before you even answered the door?" Sam asked, scanning him up and down, taking note of his peeved expression.

"What are you doing here?" Sam scoffed. "And it's called a peephole. Most apartment doors have them."

"Is that how your mother taught you to greet a lady?"

"She taught me how to greet a lady, yes. Too bad you're not a lady." He smirked and leaned against the door frame, mimicking the blonde that stood in front of him.

"How long did it take for you to come up with that one, Benson?" She shoved him aside and breezed past him, walking into his apartment. Freddie rolled his eyes and turned to see the girl standing in his living room. He crossed his arms over his chest and shut the door.

"Sam, do you know what time it is?" He scanned her up and down, noticing her attire for the first time. She was wearing a thin green t-shirt, her purple bra showing through slightly. She had on grey short, shorts that were rolled up once or twice with a star design printed on them. To say the least, her outfit was an eye catcher. And Freddie was finding himself strangely attracted to it. Not that he'd ever admit to it.

"Oh, about midnight." She replied, smirking and sauntering over to Freddie's fridge. She began her mission; rummaging through the boy's fridge.

"Then shouldn't you be at Carly's, sleeping?" He walked up behind her and stood over her bent form. He ignored the funny feeling in his stomach as his eyes glanced down to read the text printed on the back of her shirt.

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