Seddie Oneshots: 479 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,285
Published: Dec 5, 2010

A/N: The ending bit is what we see in #TheKillerTunaJump; so we all know what happens after. This is a somewhat prequel tp show how Spencer, Gibby and Freddie were doing after Sam & Carly left.

"-And then I realized if I double knot the laces, my shoes don't come off and everything's just fine!" Gibby said as him and Freddie walked through the halls of Ridgeway after school one day. "Neat, huh?"

"Oh yeah...real neat," Freddie nodded, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, wanna come over to my place and help me go through my fan mail?" Gibby asked.

"Your fan mail?" Freddie frowned. "You get fan mail from iCarly viewers?"

"Oh no, it's just stuff I write to myself," Gibby explained. "And sometimes my mom throws in a few letters too. Boy, I tell you, there's nothing quite like laying back and reading you kind words about yourself."

"Um, I-I'm actually really busy," Freddie said. "I have a lot of homework. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?"

"Oh, sure," Gibby nodded. "I can save the fan mail till then. Hey, this gives me time today to finally take the bubble bath I deserve! I have this new stuff that's supposed to prevent you from getting wrinkly in the water."

"Er, that's great Gib," Freddie said. "Well...later."

"Later," Gibby said, heading out of the school.

Freddie shook his head, continuing down the hall. As he went on his way, though, he slowed his steps as he passed by the set of lockers he used to stop at every day before and after school.

He smiled as he thought back to the days when Carly and Sam would've been there, Carly loading her book into her backpack as she reapplied her lip-gloss, and Sam grilling a steak with one of her locker appliances.

And then he would've come along and greeted them both and the three would begin talking about Spencer's latest antics or what iCarly bits to do on their next show.

But now Carly and Sam were both gone; Carly had flown across the globe to Italy with her father and Sam, well...he didn't know where she was.

And frankly, that was the hardest thing. As much as he missed Carly, at least he knew where she was. At least he had gotten to say goodbye. It was an abrupt and sudden goodbye, but it was a goodbye, nonetheless.

With Sam all he had gotten was a text that said 'I left' after a whole week of him calling, emailing and going crazy trying to find her.

As he continued to stare at the lockers, he quickly realized how pathetic Sam would find him right now.

"What? Are you that big of a nub that you can't even walk past a set of lockers without crying like the whimp you are?" she'd scoff. "So me and Carly are gone? Big deal! Man up and move on with your life!"

Freddie couldn't help but smile as he started towards the parking lot where his mom was waiting for him. Yup, that's exactly what Sam would say...if she was here.

Which she wasn't.


"-And tomorrow we'll spend the entire evening looking at new drape patterns!" Marissa said happily as Freddie picked at the glazed eggplant loaf on his plate. "Won't that be fun, Freddie?"

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