Discover by grangertash

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Chapter 4: Day 4


Mrs. Benson had always encouraged her son to find a girlfriend; something she often worried may not be possible. With the lack of a male figure in her son's life, she had tried her best to fill the gap with various versions of 'the talk' and uncomfortable readings of 'I'm growing up!" before bed. She had always imagined when Freddie finally did find a girl he would be comfortable enough to kiss, she would be ecstatic. Though, now she had discovered that Freddie had already had his first kiss, she couldn't help but worry.

She wasn't sure if it was the fact that Sam may not have an adequately clean mouth - after all, she had not once seen her use the mouthwash she had slipped in to both of her girls cases. It may have be the worry that Freddie was growing up a little too fast, either way, it was definitely not what she expected to feel when a girl had finally set her eyes on her son.

After a day of playing board games (Mrs. Bensons' suggestion) she and the kids arrived in the dinner hall at 5pm sharp. All day, Mrs Benson had been watching Sam and Freddie. There was no particular changes in how they acted with each other, the only difference was, now Mrs. Benson knew their bickering was only a cover up for what they were really feeling.

The hall was crowded with families chatting and eating or as Mrs. Benson would say, "A bunch of animals, eating food like they don't know the meaning on hygiene." After taking a seat with a plate full of food, Mrs. Benson noticed them immediately. On the table across from them were 3 young men. Their hair was long and placed in an atrocious style with hair gel, something she had never approved of. They wore baggy jeans that showed off their underwear and black T-shirts with the names of bands she had never heard of plastered on the front. They were the nightmare she had when she imagined what Freddie could become.

The blonde boy had his eyes glued to their table, or more specifically, to Sam. Every now and then he would smile and nod his head at her, making her blush a bright shade a red. It must have been the boy on the first floor Sam had mentioned the day before.

Mrs. Benson put on her best oblivious face and kept watch on Freddie. He was growing redder by the second, for completely different reasons than Sam. He was stabbing his pork harder than was needed and his fingers tapped on the table as she listened to Sam and Carly's whispers.

"He's looking. Bat your eyelashes!"

"I can't bat!"

"Smile then . . .No, that just looks freaky. Smile lighter, Sam!"

She watched, silently leaning over to cut Freddie's pork into more manageable pieces, as his jealousy seemed to be growing more and more intense. The tapping grew louder, his face redder and Mrs. Benson knew her son would no longer be able to hold it in. She was right.

"You're too good for him!" Freddie said rather quickly causing the girls to fall silent, directing their gazes towards him.

"What?" Sam asked, bemused as Mrs. Benson briefly caught Carly smirking towards with an all knowing gaze.

"I mean," Freddie began. "I heard him talking to his friends earlier and . . ."

"You heard him talking?" Sam asked, eyes still half gazing towards to smiling blond across from her. "Big deal!" She laughed.

Freddie rolled his eyes, "Listen. I heard him say he thinks you're hot and . . ."

Sam let out a chuckle before covering her mouth in an fake gasp, "What? Is it so unbelievable?"

Freddie shook his head, looking desperate, "No. It's believable. I mean you are ho . . . I mean . . ." He turned his focus to Carly, looking for help, she only shook her head, grinning to herself.

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