Discover by grangertash

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Discover by grangertash

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.,
Published on FanFiction: Feb 12, 2009
Updated: Mar 14, 2009


Chapter 1: Day 1

"Are we there yet?"

"How long do we have left?"

"This is so boring!"

These were phrases that Mrs Benson had fully expected to hear when she decided to take her son and his friends on a trip. She peered through the mirror, checking on them for the tenth time so far. Seat-belts were fastened, all were correctly positioned on their seat and more importantly, all three were present.

"I want to thank you again, Mrs Benson. For letting us come on this trip," Carly said politely, before nudging her best friend in the stomach.

Sam, who had been stuffing her mouth with potato chips, mumbled, "Yeah . . . thanks a lot Mrs B."

Mrs Benson nodded, assuring them it was no trouble at all. Which was the truth. She had originally planned for only herself and Freddie to for away together, but when the idea was suggested to Freddie, he insisted upon Carly and Sam coming a long too. Which she was pleased about.

Mrs Benson had always been proud of her son for choosing to have a best friend in Carly Shay. She had lived across the hall from them for years and even with a questionable guardian, Carly was the perfect vision of a how a young lady should behave. She was always polite, elegant, tidy, sensible and, of course, she was beautiful. Yes, Mrs Benson adored Carly Shay. In fact, she adored her so much that she had made it her mission to set her up with Freddie. Which was another reason why she had agreed for Carly to come on the trip, in a hope that she would fall for her son.

"I am so bored," Sam moaned.

"We know, Sam," Freddie said, running out of patience. "We told you it would be a long drive."

"Yeah, but we've been in the car for hours!" She cried, her head resting against the window.

"It's been an hour and 10 minutes," Carly said.

"Still," Sam groaned. "It's been way to long so be stuck in a confined space with a dork. I'm going to catch some rare dork disease and have a sudden urge to watch star trek!"

Mrs Benson sighed, gripping the steering wheel tighter in frustration. Sam Puckett; rude, obnoxious, mean, disorganised, messy and definitely not the perfect vision of how a young lady should behave. For as long as Mrs Benson could remember, Sam had always been best friends with Carly. They were inseparable, therefor, Freddie seemed to have inherited Sam as a best friend. She was always making jokes about her son, always putting him down and laughing at him. If Mrs Benson knew one thing, it was that this is not how a best friend should behave. Though, to be friends with Carly, unfortunately Sam comes with the package.

"Why don't you kids play a road game?" She suggested, in an attempt to restore the peace.

They groaned, "Road games are boring as hell!" Sam rudely stated.

"How about we play hot or not?" Carly suggested.

Freddie sighed, "Is that one of those girl games?"

"I'll start!," Sam said, ignoring Freddie's comment. "Carly. Benjamin Stoner, hot or not?"

Carly smirked, "Easy. Hot, actually, hotter than hot. He's so hot, he would probably burn things!"

As the girls laughed, Mrs Benson watched her son carefully. She fully expected him to become upset over Carly liking another boy. Usually, he would kindly try to cover up how much he was hurting by some sort of witty comment, but Mrs Benson knew her son and she could see how much Carly hurt him.

This time though, as she looked straight at her son from the front seat mirror, she didn't see any pain in his eyes. Even when Carly began to list her 'potential boyfriends' he didn't even cringe. Maybe he had become better at covering his emotions, maybe she just wasn't looking hard enough or maybe, just maybe, Freddie wasn't feeling any pain at the mention of Carly with another boy.

Mrs Benson quickly shook that thought out of her mind. Her Freddie loved Carly Shay and she knew that better than anyone. She took a deep breathe and put her focus in to the more pressing issue; bladder breaks. She pulled over in to the nearest gas station because as everyone knows; an empty bladder leads to a happy camper.

"Okay kids," She began. "Make sure you use the hand wash I bought for you and don't talk to any strangers! Remember, an empty bladder leads to a..."

"We get it Mom!" Freddie said through gritted teeth before following the now snorting with laughter girls to the bathrooms.

Mrs Benson watched until they were safely inside the stalls before going to look at the arrangements of cleaning equipment the store had. Of course, she laughed to herself, she already owned all the brands. Wiz hand wash, Bang toilet cleaner, Sparky's oven spray, Tickity tick lotion; Freddie's favourite . . .

"How did you get to level 5!" She heard her son's voice yell from around the corner.

She automatically followed the voice to see Freddie having some sort of conversation with Sam.

"I'm just better than you!" Sam laughed, shaking her head.

"There is no way you are better than me at computer games," Freddie said, emphasising the 'no way'.

"Face it," She laughed. "I could kick your ass at any computer game!"

"All right," Freddie said confidently. "The second we get home. Me verses you. 2 player, Battle War Zone !"

"Whatever," Sam said, rolling her eyes.

Mrs Benson watched as her son opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when Sam ran over to talk to Carly. She looked at her son carefully for a moment as he watched Sam go, a slight smile resting on his face. He looked relaxed and happy as he watched Sam bounce away from him happily. It was a look Mrs Benson rarely saw on Freddie's face when it concerned girls.

As she naturally went back to the excitement of buying Freddie some new tick prevention supplies she began think about Sam for a moment. Maybe she was wrong about the girl, there might just be more to the hateful relationship of Sam and Freddie than meets the eye.

Mrs Benson would certainly be keeping her eyes open.

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