iDefine Love by xxkissfromarosex

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Chapter 7: Wendy

Wendy ran into her bedroom and swiped her laptop from the desk. Checking her Splashface page was the first thing she did when she came home from school, every single day, no matter what. She had to keep up her reputation, didn't she? She liked to think she knew everything about everyone, being the gossip queen of Ridgeway High.

She scrolled through her homepage, seeing what her friends had been up to. Gibby's mood made her laugh; it was always the same.

GibbyGibson: Naked

Was naked even a mood? Wendy would cringe at the thought, before continuing to trawl through her friend's pages.

On a not-so-special Tuesday, Wendy's eyes latched onto an online conversation between Sam and Freddie. She'd graffitied a pair of underpants onto his wall, adding a little note saying 'anti-bacterial'.

FreddieBenson: Sam! That's not funny. Take it off.

SamPuckett: It is too funny. Lighten up, Benson. Want me to draw your nightlight instead? ;)

FreddieBenson: SAM!

Wendy frowned. It would've seemed like innocent banter if a stranger had seen this, but Wendy knew them well. Her suspicions heightened at the wink face. Wink faces usually made things seem a lot more...dirty? And how did Sam know about his underpants? And his nightlight?

No. Freakin'. Way.

Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson? She couldn't believe it. They hated each other!

Although...there was that time that Freddie gave up that cruise for Missy. Now that was adorable. Carly had explained to Wendy later that Sam really didn't like Missy, so Freddie had deliberately told Principal Franklin that Missy deserved the trip more than he did.

She remembered confronting Freddie about it at lunch the next day. He was at the trashcan, hurling his half-eaten sandwiches in the bin when she came over.

"Hey, Freddie? Why did you give the cruise up?" She asked, hoping to get some gossip. He blushed and shifted his bag.

"I was doing it for iCarly. If I'm gone, how are they gonna push all the buttons on time?" He mumbled.

"Move!" Sam's impatient voice from behind interrupted the two of them. She shoved her empty dink into the trashcan and yawned.

"Can you believe him?" Wendy questioned Sam. Sam's brow knotted as she eyed Freddie.

"Yeah, apparently it is possible to kill plaid," She gestured to Freddie's hoodie. Before he could respond, Wendy cut in.

"No! I mean the whole cruise thing."

Sam paused. "What? The cruise that..Missy-" She spat the name, "-won?"

Wendy nodded, wondering why Freddie's eyes had widened.

"C'mon, Sam, Carly wants us-" He began to pull her away, but Sam stood her ground.

"What about the cruise?"

Wendy's eyes flickered over to Freddie, who looked resigned to his fate. "Freddie won."

"No, Missy won."

"No, Freddie won, and then he gave it up for Missy," Wendy explained. A flash of something ran across the blonde's features, but it was gone before Wendy could see what it was. Confusion settled in. "All to protect iCarly. Isn't that sweet?" Wendy gushed.

"You did that?" Sam finally looked up at Freddie, who shrugged. His eyes caught hers, and they shared a look that said a lot more than platonic looks should. Wendy had said goodbye to them at this point, but she really wished she'd stayed now.

Wendy clicked onto Sam's profile, and read her 'about me' section.

Hey people! The name's Sam Puckett, I live in Seattle and I love meat. Preferably ham. I have a crazy mom and an even crazier cat. I don't like nubs. That means you, Freddifer! And that's all you really need to know. Adios!

Funny she should mention Freddie, but not Carly, her best friend?

Wendy looked at Sam's most recent comment. It was from Freddie, surprise surprise, and a link was attached. It had been sent ten minutes ago, according to the clock.

FreddieBenson: Hey! Found this when I was browsing and thought you might like it.

Wendy clicked on the link, intrigued. It sent her to a website dedicated to sculptures made from meant. Wendy cringed as she flicked through the gallery, but Sam lapped it up.

SamPuckett: OH MY GOD! Why have I not seen this website before?! I've gotta get one!

FreddieBenson: No problem?

SamPuckett: Fine, fine, thank you. When I find a website that teaches you how not to be a dork, I'll return the favor, 'kay?

FreddieBenson: Whatever.

Hmm. It was...sort of sweet. Freddie had thought of her, and Sam had actually shown some gratitude. What the chizz was going on here?

She decided to view Carly's page. The last message the brunette had received was from Sam, talking about something she'd seen on the television. She scrolled the mouse to see the last time Freddie had sent her a message.


FreddieBenson: Hey. Can you tell Sam to give my phone back? It's not funny, and I know she's there!

Interesting. It was about Sam. Coming from a boy who was adamant that he loved Carly.

Wendy found herself remembering all the times she'd seen them together; seen his eyes linger on her form for a moment longer than necessary, seeing her disgust at Freddie's crush on Carly.

Upon her return to her homepage, Carly had uploaded new photos. It was from the hobo party she'd thrown a few weeks back, and Wendy flipped through them. She'd really enjoyed that night; Carly's parties were always awesome.

There was one photograph that she assumed Carly had taken. Gibby and Tasha, his girlfriend (god knows how that happened) were stood behind the couch, their arms around each other. Sam was strewn across the couch, tipping forward her hobo hat and smirking. Freddie was beneath her, sitting in the middle of the couch, his arms resting on her legs. He wasn't looking directly at the camera, instead at the blonde laying across his lap. The picture would've been pretty normal if it weren't for Freddie's expression. A smile lit up his face as he looked at Sam.

Sam had already commented this picture.

SamPuckett: The best lookin' hobos in the world. Oh, and Fredward. And Gibby. And Tasha.

FreddieBenson: So, just you then?

SamPuckett: You got it. ;)

Wendy, no longer able to stand keeping this nugget of gossip to herself, clicked open a new email to her best friend, Ashley.

You will not believe what I've just found out...

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