Seddie Oneshots: 469 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,304
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Wow, this is really a nice one," Spencer said as he sat in Freddie's kitchen, examining the diamond engagement ring Freddie had showed him.

"Thanks, I've been saving all year for it," Freddie said proudly. "You think Sam will like it?"

"Of course she will, dude," Spencer replied. "She loves you. She'll want to marry you whether you give her this ring or one from a gumball machine...but you should probably stick with this one."

"Yeah, I was planning on it," Freddie chuckled.

"So do you know how you're gonna do it?" Spencer asked.

"Yup!" Freddie said, opening his fridge and pulling out a large slice of chocolate cake. "This is the same type of cake Sam and I ordered on our first date. Tonight when she comes over, I'm gonna bring this out for desert. Only this slice won't only be filled with chocolate cream and frosting..."

He carefully placed the ring in the middle of the cake, making sure it was completely hidden.

"Ah, the old 'Hide the Ring in the Cake' trick," Spencer grinned. "Very clever."

"I figure what better way to propose than to couple it with one of Sam's favorite foods," Freddie said.

"Well good luck tonight," Spencer said. "Hey, I have some fancy candles you can borrow and try to set the mood if you want."

"Um, I'd rather not borrow anything flammable from you," Freddie frowned. "No offense, but that kind of seems like a bad omen."

"Come on, I'm getting better with the fire issue!" Spencer said. He pulled out his wallet. "Look, I used my hot glue gun today to fix the flap on my wallet, and nothing burst into flames! I'm telling you, I think that was just a phase that-oh jeez!"

The wallet suddenly burst into flames, and Freddie quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher, putting out the fire.

"How-How was that-That's not even possible!" Spencer exclaimed.

"I think you still have a bit of a fire issue," Freddie said.


"Okay...fancy music, check. Sam's favorite fried chicken, check. Candles that have never been tainted by Spencer, check. Alright, I-I think that's everything," Freddie said, looking around the kitchen that he had finally finished setting up for his big moment.

He tried to steady his nerves, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. As he opened the fridge, he checked one last time to make sure that ring was perfectly hidden in the cake.

"I hope she says yes," Freddie mumbled to himself. He knew he wanted nothing more than to be Sam's husband; tonight had to go just right.

"Oh! I know what I need!" Freddie said. "That fancy new room freshener! It's tropical breeze, Sam's favorite. Now where did I put it...ugh, I think it's in my room somewhere."

He retreated into his bedroom to grab the spray, and no more than a few seconds had passed when Sam let herself into Freddie's apartment.

"Freddie?" she said, tossing her bag and coat on the floor next to the coatrack. "Yo, nub! You here?"

"Yeah! I'll be out in a sec, baby!" Freddie called from his bedroom. "Just wait there."

"Whatever," Sam shrugged, heading right into the kitchen. She had just finished a long day at work and she was starving.

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