Seddie Oneshots: 331 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,942
Published: Dec 5, 2010

A/N: iDate Sam and Freddie with Emma & Quincy


"Hey Freddie? Guess what?" Gibby grinned, walking into the Benson house with a bag. "I bought us matching shirts!"

"Um...what?" Freddie frowned.

"You know, since our kids are dating now," Gibby said, tossing Freddie the bag. "We're practically brothers now, right?"

"Not even close," Freddie said, pulling out a bright green polo shirt.

"Hey daddy," Ashton said, walking into the house with Clarissa. "Um, where did you get that shirt?"

"I bought it for him!" Gibby said proudly, holding up his own matching shirt. "It's like we're twins!"

"Wow..." Clarissa said. "That's really-"

"Something," Ashton finished.

"See, they appreciate it," Gibby said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go see if Hey Foods has restocked their pudding aisle."

"Where's Emma?" Freddie asked Ashton as Gibby left the house.

"Probably making out with Quincy," she shrugged.

"Ah!" Freddie cried, covering his ears.


"Don't tell me that stuff!" Freddie cringed, getting to his feet.

"You asked," Ashton pointed out.

"Well now I have to go wash my ears out," Freddie mumbled, getting to his feet and heading upstairs.

"I thought your dad was okay with Emma and Quincy dating," Clarissa said to Ashton.

"Eh, he is," Ashton shrugged as the two girls sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. "He just freaks out whenever me or Em even mention kissing guys. He likes to think that dating means just holding hands and stuff."

Just then the front door slammed open and Emma stormed in. "I need a Fat Cake!" she snapped, storming into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Clarissa asked as her and Ashton followed her into the kitchen.

"Emma!" Quincy said, running into the house after his girlfriend. "Emma, I was talking to you!"

"Fine? What do you want to say?" Emma said, crossing her arms as she stepped closer to him.

"I know that you thought you were-"

"Nope, wrong thing to say," Emma said, turning around and stomping over to the pantry.

"Okay you guys, what's wrong?" Ashton sighed.

"Nothing," Emma mumbled, taking an angry bite from her Fat Cake.

"After school today, some of the football players were making fun of the pottery club," Quincy sighed.

"Yeah, you said they were being real jerks," Emma said.

"That didn't mean I wanted revenge!"

"Wait," Clarissa frowned, looking over at Emma. "What'd you do?"

"I threw pots at all of them," Emma said simply.

"She gave the quarterback a concussion," Quincy said.

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