Wonderful by harley.doll

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It takes some time for "Freddie likes Sam" to become "Sam admits that she doesn't hate Freddie as much as she says", but they figure it out at their own pace. It's the end of May and the school year is this close to being over, yet Spencer finds himself in Principal Franklin's office sitting beside a thoroughly disinterested Sam.

"Not that I'm not thrilled to be sitting in the principal's office some ten odd years after I graduated, but why am I here?" Spencer asks.

"You are here because Sam and I have had countless talks about keeping her hands to herself. Haven't we Sam?"

"Yes we have Ted," Sam says. She's slouched so low in her seat that Spencer makes a mental note to sculpt a rubber skeleton and name it after her.

"And in spite of our many discussions on the issue, Sam continues to assault and abuse her fellow students, so I decided that it was finally time for a principal-guardian conference," Franklin says.

Spencer nods seriously. "I understand. This is a very serious- wait 'guardian'? Where's Pam?" He directs this question to Sam who shrugs and suddenly becomes very interested with the ends of her hair.

"Sam has listed you as her guardian and primary emergency contact since seventh grade. Is this incorrect?"

Spencer glances at Sam. He feeds her, buys Carly clothes that Sam often borrows and he sees her in his apartment so often that he sometimes is surprised that she doesn't receive mail there yet. "No, I guess not."

"Good. Then let's officially begin."

It turns out that Mr. Howard caught Sam putting a football player in some crazy submission hold and when he grabbed her arm to pull her off he'd surprised her, causing her to jump and accidentally dislocate the boy's shoulder. This caused him to haul her directly to the principal's office where she loudly maintained that it was in self-defense until Principal Franklin came out and offered her half of his sandwich if she agreed to stay silent until he figured out what to do with her.

"I'm hoping that over the summer you can instill in Sam certain morals so that when she comes back she'll stop and think before pulling apart our athletes."

"I'll get right on that," Spencer replies. Sam shoots Spencer an amused "good luck with that" glance that Principal Franklin either misses or ignores.

"Great. Then you are both free to go."

Spencer's brow wrinkles. "But it's only 12:40," he says.

"Let's be honest here. Sam is putting more effort into sitting here looking bored than she'll put into her remaining classes. She is welcome to stay, but it may be better for all parties involved if you sign her out." Principal Franklin casts a wary look at Sam, who smiles in return.

"Thanks Ted. I mean, Principal Franklin," she amends when he raises an eyebrow. Spencer stands and shakes Franklin's hand.

"It was nice seeing you again," Spencer says.

"You too, Spencer. Maybe next time it will be under more pleasant circumstances."

Sam leads the way out of the office and as they walk to the parking lot Spencer finally questions her.

"Why did you put that kid into a submission hold?"

"Because he wouldn't apologize," Sam says calmly.

"For what?"

"Being unnecessarily rude." She doesn't elaborate and Spencer recognizes this as her "I've done something admirable and I'd rather take the specifics to my grave" voice, and so he starts the car and pulls out of the lot.

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