Seddie Oneshot: 266 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,621
Published: Dec 5, 2010

[ sequel to previous oneshot ]

"Hey," Carly greeted Sam as she walked into Shay's apartment. "How was your six-month anniversary? Or are you guys counting the time you dated for the first time into this? Because then it would've been your seven-month anniversary or something like that, right?"

"Nah, Freddie and I aren't counting that," Sam laughed, plopping herself down next to Carly on the couch. "We wanted to start with a clean slate."

"Got it," Carly nodded. "And where is Freddie anyway? You didn't leave him at the restaurant again, Sam?"

"No! That was one time!" Sam said. "He got stopped by his mom on the way up here and she insists that this tiny little mosquito bite on his elbow looks infected, so he's across the hall getting some sort of weird shot. He told me he'd come over here in a little bit. Anyway, I need to talk to you about something."

"What's up?" Carly asked.

"Well," Sam said. "You know that crazy plan the nub came up with six months ago to ask me to get back together?"

"You mean the world's most complex, insane plan that involved playing pretty much everyone he knew?" Carly said.

"Yeah, that on," Sam said. "Anyway, I've been thinking lately...Freddie to get me all rattled up during that little stunt of his...I think it's the least I can do for him to repay the favor."

"You want to come up with crazy, complex plan?" Carly frowned.

"Well, obviously not as complex," Sam said. "I'm not that patient. But I do want to find a way to mess with him..."

"That could be...interesting," Carly said. "Do you have anything in mind?"

"Oh yeah," Sam grinned. "I know exactly what I'm going to do."


Later that week, Sam and Carly were sitting in the iCarly studio, watching a Splashface video.

"Hey, hey," Freddie said, letting himself into the studio. "What goes on?"

"Just watching this video of a penguin who thinks he's a lion," Carly said, chuckling at the pull out monitor, where a tiny penguin was attempting to roar.

"Hey, baby," Sam smiled, getting up and heading to her boyfriend, giving him a long kiss. "Wow, that shirt looks really good on you, you know."

"Um, thanks," Freddie said. "My mom got it for me at ."

"Well, she has great taste," Sam said. "I should remember to tell her that next time I see her."

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll...appreciate that," Freddie said. "Hey, do I smell bacon?"

"Oh yeah, Sam and I were eating some while we watched this," Carly said.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Sam said, running back to her seat and grabbing a large plate of bacon. "I saved you some, Freddie!"

"You saved me bacon?" Freddie asked in amazement. "Are you feeling okay, Sam?"

"Just peachy," Sam said, giving Freddie a quick peck on the cheek. "And hey, what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Well," Sam said. "I was thinking you and I could have that Galaxy Wars marathon you've been talking about."

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