Blue Moon by hyperactivecheskie

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Blue Moon by hyperactivecheskie

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,865
Published: Apr 15, 2009


On the fire escape of apartment 8-D, a knock was heard.

"What are you doing here?" Freddie asked, once he turned around to find a familiar face standing by the window, the light in the hall framing her petite figure.

"Carly's off on her date. Got nothing to do. So," she shrugged. A cock of an eyebrow and a smirk was thrown at him. So Freddie did what was supposed to be done: he waved her in. As he did so, he smiled despite himself and so did she. This was an oddly familiar scene. Although, they'd rather not talk about it.

She took a seat on the beanbag beside the camper chair. It was a new addition to the furniture, reserved for visitors- mainly Sam.

"Are you always out here? Are you that much of a loner?" she asked.

Freddie smirked at her subtle insult. "Blue moon."

"What do you mean, once in a blue moon? You're always out here."

"No no no," Freddie shook his head, then tilted it to motion at the sky. "Literally, the moon's blue."

Sam looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of the moon. It was full and glowed with an unusual bluish tint. Her eyes traveled across the sky. The city was never kind to stars, it seemed. But tonight it was like the whole of Seattle decided to dim its lights, giving the rare blue moon a chance to appear in all its glory, framed by the stars.

"Woah," She said in an almost whisper. Her face broke out into an impish grin, making Freddie smirk at the sight of her. Her expression mimicked that time she saw Jackson Colt, mixed martial arts champion, make a man fly 10 feet backwards just with the act of pushing. "That is one badass moon." Only she would describe a moon to be badass.

Freddie nodded in agreement, directing his attention to the sky once more. "It's a very rare event, often caused by particles- hey!" He stopped his encyclopedic rant. Someone had kicked his camper seat. He glared at said someone. "Being abusive is not polite!"

Sam choked in her laughter. Even his language was dorky. "You should really stop being a nerd, Spaceboy."

Eyes rolled as he adjusted his weight on his seat. Sam just wanted to annoy him, but he knew she was curious. She would ask in five, four, three, two-

"So how come it's blue?"

His dimples appeared at her sudden curiosity. Typical. She would kick him for being a nerd by himself, but it was fine if she was the one who instructed him to.

He cleared his throat, "Well, it's called a blue moon if it's the second full moon in a month. But it doesn't mean that it's actually blue. Literal blue moons, like this," he pointed, "happen very rarely. It's caused by particles and dust in the atmosphere."

Her eyebrows furrowed, her mouth in a pout. So the moon is called blue if it's the second full moon in a month, but it doesn't mean it's actually blue. Space people were strange. "Why would they call it blue if it's not actually blue? This one," she pointed upward, "makes sense cuz it's literally blue."

"It's just a term to, I guess, show how unique it is- just like it being literally blue. The second full moon in a month- it's special."

"You're such a sap," she smiled at him. "Alright," she kicked him once more, softly this time, "what's so special about a second moon in one month?"

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