Seddie Oneshots: 129 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 783
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"I think there's some leftover pizza in the fridge," Carly told Sam as the girls entered the Shay's apartment.

"Please tell me you didn't order it with pineapple on it again," Sam frowned.

"No," Carly replied. "I got the veggie lovers toppings."

"You're disgusting," Sam said, shaking her head.

"So how about that new girl in out Chemistry class?" Carly said, taking a bottle of Wahoo Punch out of the fridge.

"Who, Melinda?" Sam asked. "That girl smells like cat pee and socks."

"Okay, gross," Carly said, sitting down on the couch next to Sam. "She seems really smart though."


"Freddie should be happy with that," Carly continued. "She is his lab partner, after all, and you know how much he hated his last one who nearly blew off his eyebrows because he mixed the wrong chemicals together."

"I guess."

"I think Melinda was pretty happy when she saw she was his lab partner too," Carly said. "I mean, did you see her face light up when Mr. Jones told her where she was sitting? I may be wrong, but I think somebody has a little crush on our Freddie."

Sam didn't respond, but Carly didn't seem to notice.

"Plus she was scooting her chair real close to his, but I don't think Freddie liked that too much, must've been the smell you were talking about. But still, I think she's kind of cute, you know, in that nerdy sort of way. Hey, you know what? We should totally try too hook the two of them up!"

"What?" Sam frowned.

"Yeah, it will be fun!" Carly nodded eagerly. "We could get them alone in the chem. lab after school or something and the two of them will maybe start talking and then who knows what! I'll lend her some of my perfume, though, first. What do you think? Are you in? Oh, this will be so much fun!"

"I'll pass," Sam said, playing with a lose end of her shirt, not looking at Carly.

"What? Why?" Carly asked. "You know how much I love matchmaking! Come on, it will be so much-Oh." Carly's brain finally clicked. "Oh my gosh, Sam, I'm sorry. I'm so stupid. I completely blanked out. Of course you wouldn't want to set your ex-boyfriend up on a date."

"Just forget about it," Sam mumbled.

"You know, they'd be a horrible couple, now that I think about it," Carly said. "You and Freddie looked way better together."

"Seriously, just change the subject, Carly," Sam said.

Carly sighed. She silently cursed herself for being so tactless. Why had she gone and blabbered on about setting Freddie up with some geeky smelly girl right in front of her? She knew Sam wasn't too emotional over most things, heck she was the only girl who Carly knew who didn't shed a single tear during The Pencil Case, but Carly knew she had one sensitivity; Freddie. Carly was actually still very confused over the whole Sam and Freddie thing. She didn't even really know why they broke up; Sam said something about an elevator and Freddie had just muttered something about conflicting interests and that was all she had been able to gather from her two friends. Still, Carly noticed that since they had broken up Freddie would unconsciously cross his arms to show his large muscles whenever Sam would talk to a guy and Sam would always give any girl that approached Freddie a dirty look the second Freddie turned his back.

"Isn't there supposed to be a Girly Cow marathon on?" Sam asked, picking up the remote. "I hope they show the episode where Girly gets tossed off the cliff and ends up in the Artic Ocean."

"Um, I think it's on channel nine," Carly said. "Sam, you sure you're okay?"

"Awesome, they're showing the movie!" Sam exclaimed almost too happily. "Girly Cow goes to Pluto! I can't believe that Pluto's not a planet anymore. I mean, who are we to just decide that it can't be a planet anymore?"

Carly pulled a smile onto her face but she felt a tiny piece of her heart break for her best friend who was trying to obviously to not show that she was still head-over-heels for Freddie.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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