Chapter 1 + Link

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Chapter 1 Wedges

It was a gray day in October, and the noisy street in the past became quieter at some point. Pedestrians were in a hurry. In this material age, many people had to work hard day and night, and those who did not want to work were willing to degenerate.

At this time, Du Yixiu, who was walking aimlessly, had no eyes meeting, and the declining back made people feel very distressed. Du Yixiu couldn't figure out how the love he planned so hard would end up like this in the end, then everything he did was just deceiving himself and others.

If it wasn't for a surprise for his girlfriend, and he didn't tell her to come back a day early from a business trip, how could he meet his girlfriend having sex with another man without any scruples. Because he loves her, he respects her. He never asked his girlfriend to be with him. Even if his girlfriend didn't tell him, he thought he just wanted to save the first time for the wedding night. Now thinking about it, how ridiculous it is.

Recalling that when my girlfriend saw him coming back, she was surprised and terrified, but she didn’t feel guilty at all. I’m afraid it’s not the first time this happened. He threw the gift in the trash can. So suddenly that he didn't know what to do next.

Forgiveness is impossible, as much as I loved her at the beginning, I have to hate her as much now. But it is impossible for him to choose revenge like a girl, so let's just be a stranger in the future, but he knows that he will never believe in love in this life.

Having figured it out, Du Yixiu's eyes regained their original expression. He touched his already hungry stomach and decided to reward himself well today. As an orphan, he has always focused on her since he had a girlfriend, so much so that he I have ignored it, now think about my girlfriend never caring about me, maybe she never liked me at all. His eyes darkened, hey, he still couldn't let go.

Just when he was about to go to the opposite road, he saw a little boy looking down to pick up a toy. Maybe he was too petite. The driver didn't notice the child, and he was about to hit him. Out of instinct, Du Yixiu hurried Pushing the child away, the moment he was hit by the car didn't hurt as much as he imagined, but the moment he passed out, he was thinking, I really don't want to die, I have to live a good life for myself .

Du Yixiu opened his heavy eyelids, he didn't have the smell of disinfectant as he had imagined. Could it be that he wasn't hit badly? He looked left and right and found that this was not his home, and he felt a little relieved when he thought that it might be the owner's home.

At this time, a woman came in, looked at Du Yixiu who had woken up, and her sad eyes brightened: "Yixiu, are you awake? Do you feel better?"

Du Yixiu was still wondering how the other party knew her name. Is he so famous? What he said next startled him.

"Hey, I told you that I don't want you to be in the entertainment industry. You didn't listen. Although our family is poor, seeing you practice so hard makes my mother feel sorry for you!" The woman wiped her tears after she finished speaking.

Du Yixiu froze for a moment, this... this is impossible, he looked at his hand subconsciously, it was obviously not his hand that was covered with calluses due to years of work, this hand was clearly protected by the master at a glance Well, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is more beautiful than a woman's hand.

Then he looked up and saw the woman looking at him worriedly. She looked only in her early forties, but she had already grown a lot of gray hair. It seemed that the life of this family was not good.

Now he wants to confirm one thing: "Can you give me a mirror." Hearing the magnetic voice with a unique masculinity gives people a very down-to-earth feeling, and it is hard to be annoying. Yixiu knows that this is not his own voice .

The woman brought a small mirror to Yixiu from outside, and Du Yixiu took the mirror with trembling hands. Even though he knew it would end like this, Du Yixiu still couldn't accept it. Looking at his face in the mirror, it can be said that he was prettier than any star at the moment. His dark brown eyes were extremely clear, but it was not difficult to see the hidden stubbornness. The long eyelashes hang gently on the eyelids. Straight nose bridge, cherry-like lips, but the complexion is too pale, which gives people a kind of frightening beauty. Yixiu found that this person still looked quite like the mother, but the mother had gained a little weight because she was middle-aged.

In fact, Du Yixiu's appearance is also a specimen that he is proud of. He has a handsome face and a height of 1.8 meters, especially when he smiles, he feels very sunny. Yixiu looked at himself with some distaste, would a big man grow up like this and go against the sky?

The woman looked at Yixiu who was staring at the mirror in a daze, and was a little worried: "What's wrong with you, son, are you still feeling a little uncomfortable?"

Yixiu put down the mirror in his hand and looked at the woman looking at him worriedly. Although he knew that she didn't care about him, he was still very touched. He had never enjoyed maternal love. It feels good to have someone care about him. Your body, then your mother is my mother, and I will definitely be filial to my mother for you.

"It's okay, I just feel a little dizzy, maybe it will get better after a while." The woman went out to cook porridge when she saw that her son was fine. Yixiu's current body is more suitable for light food.

Yixiu looked at the closed door, recalling what the woman said before, do you want to be a star? Looks pretty good. Since I occupy your body, your dream is my dream.

Yixiu, who was still very weak, fell asleep again after a while. He had a dream and dreamed of everything Yixiu had. It turned out that Yixiu's surname was not Du, but Ouyang. His father was at the age of two. At that time, he was seriously ill and passed away. His mother worked hard to bring him up alone, and did not continue. She was reluctant to let her son live in someone else's house. Ouyang Yixiu, on the other hand, was sensible from a very young age. He never cried or made noises. He never asked his mother to buy anything. When he grew up and was admitted to university, he knew that the cost was not small and he didn't know how many part-time jobs his mother would need to pay for it. In exchange, that's why he chose to enter the entertainment industry. Although he knew that the road to the entertainment industry was not easy, he knew that if he succeeded, his mother would be able to live a better life. So when he was a trainee, he worked harder than others, and finally collapsed from exhaustion, which gave him the opportunity to enter his body.

Brother, don't worry, I will definitely help you realize your dream, Yixiu's eyes are extremely firm when he wakes up.

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