Chapter 60 Knowing the Truth

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More than half of the filming process has been completed. This TV series has greatly changed Yixiu's temperament. Now he has a soldier's spirit in every gesture, and even when he speaks, he gives people an incomparable sense of confidence. His performance on the same stage with Wang Ziche was perfect, making everyone present feel like they want to be soldiers.

There was no role for Yixiu today. He planned to go to Jin's company to find him. Since then, he often called Jin, but the result was either that no one answered or the phone was turned off. Jin in the past would definitely not be like this.

When I came to the lobby of Jin's company, I was stopped by the receptionist, because Yixiu's current attire completely made it impossible to see that he was Yixiu, but the receptionist still politely asked who Yixiu was looking for, or if he had an appointment .

"I'm sorry I came in a hurry and didn't have time to make an appointment. Can you tell your chairman for me? Just say that Xiuqin's son is looking for him. He will naturally understand after you tell me." Yixiu didn't dare to say his name, he didn't want to cause trouble. unnecessary trouble.

Originally, the reception lady could ignore it, but Yixiu's voice had a kind of magic power. In the end, the reception lady was willing to tell him, even if he might be scolded by his superiors.

Jin, who heard the landline ring, pressed the answer button with his hand, and continued to look at the file.

"Is it the chairman? I'm in the reception hall. A gentleman came to you just now. He said he was Xiuqin's son. Do you have time to meet me?" The reception lady's voice rang in Jin's ear.

Hearing Xiuqin's son, Jin put down his work, he naturally knew who was in the hall at the moment: "Please come up." Just escaping blindly is not the solution, it must be resolved after all, but why does he feel his heart hurts so much? .

"Sir, Chairman, please go up." The receptionist who hung up the phone walked to Yixiu with a smile.

After thanking him, Yixiu went up. The reception lady looked at Yixiu's back, and always felt that this person had an unusual relationship with the chairman.

"Knock, buckle." There was a knock on the door, and Jin sorted out her thoughts: "Please come in."

Hearing the voice inside, Yixiu walked in, staring at Jin closely, closed the door, walked to Jin's desk and stood face to face with Jin.

"Jin, tell me honestly, did something happen, or why didn't you answer my call during this time?" Yixiu looked into Jin's eyes, trying to see something from it.

At this moment, Jin no longer had the gentleness of the past, but only had an expressionless face: "What happened, don't you know? I treat you so heartily, but you never pay attention to it, maybe It was a big mistake for me to fall in love with you, otherwise I wouldn't be so tired." Jin smiled self-deprecatingly.

Hearing Jin's words inexplicably, how did he know what happened? He just felt that Jin was very strange at the moment: "Jin, I really don't know what happened, can you explain it more clearly?"

"Okay, let me ask you, were you with Xi on the 16th?" Jin remembered the time of that day clearly than anyone else.

Yixiu thought about it hard, as if he fainted that day and Xie sent him to the hospital, but how could Jin know: "Jin, how do you know? Who told you."

Yixiu's words undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to Jin, and his final illusions were shattered: "It doesn't matter who said it, why do you still stay with him for important things, and forget what you agreed to forget? You have promised to be with me After dating, why are you still with him? Can I really just put it aside at will and just pity me if you agree to be with me?"

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