Chapter 6 Besieged

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After lunch, Yixiu lay on the sofa and patted his stuffed stomach, like a lazy kitten, he had never eaten such a delicious meal.

Xiuqin looked at Yixiu who looked like a child, and smiled, this is the expression he should have at his age.

"Stay strong all the time, tell me what else to do, and the dream will come true." Yixiu looked at the ringing phone, Jinyu? He knew this person, and this was the only friend of the original owner of the body. The other person seemed to be a son-in-law, and he was also recognized by the school as a school girl, but he had no airs, no arrogance, and no unruliness. It feels like the spring breeze in the bath, and the clean breath on the body makes people want to get closer. He is also the prince charming in the hearts of all girls.

But I don't know why he has never had a girlfriend by his side. Even if someone confesses to him, he will politely reject him and won't embarrass girls. Such a person is really loved and hated. Later, this person became friends with himself, and some people even thought they were in love, but the other party didn't care, so Ouyang Yixiu wouldn't care.

"Hello." Yixiu pressed the answer button. According to Jinyu's memory, he should be a good friend.

"Yixiu, how did you get into the showbiz?" Although Jinyu's voice was very gentle, it was not hard to hear the anger in it. If it wasn't for the excitement of her cousin saying that she saw a boy who was prettier than a girl performing in Xinyi Square yesterday After the competition, he even sent the photos to him, how could he know that the other party's non-contact for so many days was originally a plan to enter the entertainment circle.

Yixiu knew that if the other party found out, one hundred people would not agree, so he didn't tell Jinyu: "Well, I think it's good to enter the entertainment circle."

Jinyu also knew that once Yixiu decided that things would not change, she sighed softly: "You have to think clearly? The road in the entertainment industry is not so easy. Many people enter the entertainment industry, but the final outcome So what, it's not submerged yet."

Knowing that the other party cared about him, Yixiu was a little moved: "Thank you for your reminder, but I have already made up my mind, even if this road is difficult, I will stick to it."

"Well, just make up your mind, and remember that if you can't keep going, come to me, and I will lend you my shoulder at any time." Jinyu didn't know why he blushed when he said this.

Of course Yixiu didn't know about this, he thought that the other party was simply concerned about himself, and after chatting casually for a few words, he hung up the phone.

Time always passed quickly, Yixiu, who didn't know that he was already famous, didn't hide anything, went out directly, and walked on the road, he always felt that someone was pointing at him.

"Hey, do you think he is the Yixiu who just made his debut?" A girl asked the people around her a little uncertainly, she still didn't quite believe that she would see the star's true self.

Those people looked at the girl's eyes, it's okay if they don't look, but when they look at it, their eyes are starry, who is this deity? She didn't have time to answer and ran in the direction of Yixiu. The girl knew that she was right when she saw the other party's actions and ran over. At this time, many people also saw Yixiu and had already joined the team.

Yixiu listened to the noisy movement behind him, turned around and found a large group of people running towards him, if they stepped on him, he would not be a meat pie, and when he thought of this repair, he ran forward desperately.

Such a scene had already appeared on the street. An extremely handsome boy ran forward in panic, followed by a group of hungry and fierce girls. It was unexpected that even the boys joined the team in the end.

Yixiu looked at the crowd who couldn't get rid of him, and felt a little headache. Why are these people chasing him?

In the end, Yixiu couldn't run anymore. The moment he bent over to breathe, the crowd had already surrounded him. Everyone looked at Yixiu excitedly, wanting to speak, but didn't know what to say. It was too quiet again.

Yixiu raised his head and looked at the crowd: "Excuse me, what's the matter with you all following me?" At this moment, he didn't know that he was already a celebrity.

"Excuse me, are you Yixiu? We like you very much, can you sign us?" A girl from Myanmar looked at Yixiu.

Forehead? Could it be that his fame is already so big? Yixiu looked at the crowd and thought that it is a good thing that he can be liked by others, but with so many people here, if he really wants to sign? He wondered if he could get out alive. But if you don't sign, I'm afraid these people will despise themselves in the future.

Yixiu thought a little annoyed why he didn't dress up just now, isn't this causing trouble for himself?

Suddenly there was a flash in his head, Yixiu looked at everyone pretending to be a little distressed: "Hi everyone, I am Yixiu, I am really happy that everyone likes me, but I am not a star yet, everyone come to me now signature, those seniors will think that I am so ostentatious on purpose, and they will refuse to talk to me, what should I do if I still want to learn more from those seniors?" Everyone looked at Yixiu's originally beautiful brows and frowned now Together, it seems that it is very difficult.

At this moment, some people feel that they seem to be embarrassing their idols, but seeing Yixiu, who is not arrogant at all, they like it more and more, so everyone moves out of the way one after another, and some even throw their hats I gave Yixiu and my eyes, and Yixiu also knew that I needed it very much, so I took it over and took it with me after thanking him. Looking at the things that didn't dislike me at all, those people's affection for Yixiu deepened, and these Ren became a die-hard fan of Yixiu.

In the end, Yixiu came to Star Entertainment without any danger. He was just betting. If these people really like him, he will think about himself. Since he couldn't think of a better way, he wouldn't take this risky move, because if he failed, those people would think that he was arrogant and didn't want to sign, which would also bring a lot of trouble to his acting career.

Because today I just came to sign the contract, so don’t worry about being late. There is still some time before the signing date. Yixiu just looked at the surrounding environment. There is a lot of space inside. There are two large bonsai trees at the door. The marble has been wiped clean, and there is a large antique vase in the center. There are no extra decorations, but it gives people a very grand feeling.

Seeing that everyone is busy with their own affairs in an orderly manner, Yixiu thinks that such a life is very fulfilling.

(Everyone should have guessed Jinyu's identity, yes, he is our male number two, a really gentle and distressed male number two. What do you hope for the ending of the male second? You can say it! And I would like to explain again, whether it is now or in the future, the lyrics or film and television works are purely fictional, please don't take it seriously)

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