Chapter 53 What I Missed

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It didn't take long for Bridget's current agent to start urging that the time was running out. In fact, Bridget knew that ordinary planes would be delayed, but there was no way her current agent was impatient: "Dear Friends, I’m leaving first, don’t miss me!” After speaking, he blew a kiss to everyone, and Yixiu felt goosebumps all over his body, and sometimes he wondered how could this be a person who was about to be thirty years old , obviously looks like a child who hasn't grown up, but he thinks maybe this way there won't be troubles. ()

"We have to go back in a while, and now we are busy making discs, and I plan to ask you to hold an autograph session in a few days, so that your crowd's attention rate will be higher, so that everyone It is easier to continue to pay attention to you, no matter what celebrity is not exposed enough in front of everyone, it is easy to be buried by other things." Busnock watched Bridget leave before saying to Yixiu made his arrangements.

In fact, what the manager said just now, he still remembers what Lu Jing said, but it seems that he hasn't seen each other for a long time: "Well, I know, then you can arrange it!" He felt that he should also meet Lu Jing, after all, his past There is also a credit for him.

Because there will be nothing to do these few days, Yixiu plans to go home and live. After all, he has not stayed with his mother for a long time, and he also knows that the older you get, the more lonely you will be, not to mention the fact that you have already cut yourself off from your family. As he thought, when Xiuqin knew that Yixiu would live at home for a few days, the smile in her eyes never lost, which made Yixiu feel even more sorry for her mother.

This period of time was relatively busy, and Yixiu didn't wake up until nearly noon the next day, and Xiuqin didn't disturb her son's rest. Xiuqin, who was cooking, saw her son had woken up, and poked her head out of the kitchen: "Yixiu, you're awake, are you hungry? You'll be ready soon after dinner!"

Looking at the dishes on the table, Yixiu knew that his mother must have bought them early, because he remembered that the freshest tenderloin was only available in the north of the city, and his mother would only buy fresh tenderloin every time. Because of running so far in the early morning, Yixiu felt blocked in his heart: "Mom, thank you for your hard work, you have to eat more of these." After finishing speaking, he picked a few pieces of better meat Put it in mother's bowl.

"This is also your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs and tenderloin. It may be difficult to eat abroad. You should eat more today, otherwise so much will be wasted." Xiuqin also picked up a few pieces of sweet and sour pork ribs Putting it into Yixiu's bowl, she knew that her son had never been used to eating foreign food, and she didn't know how he got here for so long.

After lunch, Yixiu watched TV with his mother for a while. In the evening, he planned to meet Lu Jing and treat him to a meal. It seemed that he hadn't invited Lu Jing to a decent meal in such a long time. Didn't he never think about it? Call Lu Jing, but his phone number has been changed a long time ago. The previous number is in the phone card, and he doesn't bother to change it. In China, only Jin and his mother know it. Now he just hopes that he won't run into Xi. .

When he came to Star Entertainment again, he was still as high-end as ever, but he felt that things were different, and he overwhelmed his pretense. Today he was wearing very ordinary clothes, and his clothes only cost a few hundred dollars. He wears very dull large simulated myopia glasses, which cover nearly half of his face. Although his skin is still fair, with his sharp chin and sexy lips, if you look carefully, he might feel like a star. But now Yixiu looks like a nerd who has not yet graduated, at most he looks like a celebrity, put his hands in his pockets, and walked in as if nothing had happened, when a staff member stopped him.

"Hi sir, are you from our company? If not, do you have an appointment?" This is the company's security guard. Star Entertainment has regulations that people who are not from the company or who have no appointment are not allowed to enter company's.

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