Chapter 18 Press Conference

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Yixiu nodded and didn't say anything else. When he came to the recording studio, the first thing Yixiu saw was the composer with a pale face. It seemed that he hadn't had a good rest.

The other party also saw Yixiu, and waved as a greeting, but the tuner on the chair had no time to care about other things, and was busy fiddling with the keyboard in his hand at the moment. Yixiu didn't bother, just sat there quietly and waited for them to fix it.

At this time, Mu Yang brought the lyrics and song: "Here are the lyrics you are going to sing later, and I have written the song, please take a look first. I have also heard your song, and the tone and tune are very good. It shows that you still have some talent in music, I hope you will perform well later." Mu Yang's voice was as quiet and harmonious as others had seen.

Accept the other party's lyrics and music, and thank Mu Yang very politely for his evaluation of himself.

Looking at the lyrics in his hands, Yixiu felt that Mu Yang had a great sense of music, and it was these few short lyrics that expressed Chen Yi's inner voice. Maybe he also understands Chen Yi very well! Overall, this song is not very difficult.

"Okay, everyone can start." A tuner put down the keyboard in his hand and looked at everyone.

Yixiu handed over the lyrics and music to Lu Jing, went into the recording studio, put on his earphones, felt no noise and made an ok gesture with his hand.

The tuner also put on his headphones and began to play the music he had already made.

He closed his eyes and felt the deep music coming from his ears, and began to sing slowly.

Wandering alone in this strange world.

I can't find the meaning of life.

There are so many worlds, why should it be me.

I also want a happy family.

Why such a small luxury was never given to me.

Then what is the meaning of my existence.

I think I'm really tired.

Just let me turn into dust and go away!

Because I'm just a forgotten child!

I think I'm really tired.

Just get me out of it all!

Because I'm just a forgotten child!

I have never been alone.

Because I am the forgotten child.

Yixiu's singing is very lonely, because Chen Yi's world is lonely; Yixiu's singing is very sad, because Chen Yi's life is sad. Yixiu's singing is also very beautiful, his singing seems to bring people into Chen Yi's world, making people unable to extricate themselves.

Everyone was immersed in Yixiu's singing, which was the collision between the music and the listener's soul, and a strong resonance occurred. They did not expect Yixiu's singing to be so clear and slightly sad. Even though they haven't watched the movie after hearing this song, they can still feel that Chen Yi in the movie is confused, lonely and full of despair. Because it was still a child, a child who grew up happily under the swaddling womb of his parents, but he was forgotten, a child who was forgotten when he was born.

Mu Yang excitedly listened to the song Yixiu sang, his originally pale face was excited with a touch of blush, this is the feeling he wants, his singing voice is completely integrated with his lyrics, he believes this The song is bound to be a hit.

Yixiu looked at the stunned crowd, thinking that he could not sing well, so he took off his earphones: "What's wrong? Do you want to sing again?"

"No, no, it's already perfect. Yixiu, I didn't expect you to be so good. I will definitely find you next time for my song." Mu Yang said no three times in a row, which showed that he was really satisfied with Yixiu's singing, He had never seen such a gifted actor.

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