Chapter 68 Let's Get a Driver's License

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Yixiu returned to the United States and continued his peak stage.

Looking at his parents who had already returned to China because of his words, Jin was not surprised. The three of them were sitting on the sofa and no one spoke.

"Son, is what you said true?" Zhou Hui, who could no longer sit still, couldn't help asking her son. When they heard that their son was going to be with a man, they felt that the sky was falling. What is the son for.

Listening to his mother's words, Jin didn't hesitate at all: "Mom, I think I made it very clear. I support Chu Rui in this life. I don't care if he is a man or not. I just know that I love him, whether you agree or not." I'm going to be with him, and I'm telling you that I just want you to know about it."

"Presumptuous, do you ever talk to your mother like that? Do you know what you're talking about? Is it an honor to be gay?" Yu Zhen stared at Jin, this is the good son he had educated.

"What's the matter with homosexuality? Is there any rule that men can't be with men? Parents, I haven't asked you anything since I was a child. I just hope that you can agree to this. We really love each other." He can ignore his parents objected, but he had to think about Chu Rui.

Knowing that Jin was determined to be with that Chu Rui, Yu Zhen stood up angrily: "I tell you that if I am here, you can never get together, you can get together if you want, and then we can talk about it after I die. "After speaking, she went upstairs without waiting for Yujin to speak, and there is nothing to talk about now.

"Oh, son, I know that mom and dad didn't care enough about you when you were young, but if you take this matter to anger us, it's your fault." Zhou Hui also knew that she had been strict with Jin since she was a child, which made him become the way he is now. In this way, she also knew that Jin no longer had much affection for herself and her husband, and she regretted it to some extent, why couldn't she care about Jin more?

"Mom, I'm not mad at you because of this, but I am sincere to Chu Rui. I have loved him for nearly six years. Can you understand the six years of secret love? Now I finally got a response. As a mother Can't you be happy for me? This is the only person I have ever loved, and I believe I will only love him from now on." After finishing speaking, Jin ignored her mother and left the house.

Zhou Hui was the only one in the quiet hall, and she collapsed on the sofa exhausted, after all, it was her own fault!

Yixiu, who returned to the United States, was taken to the company by Busnock before he could catch his breath. When he came to his independent studio, he found that the inside was still very clean. It seemed that the day he left was not missed.

"This is your script. I believe that once this movie comes out, you will definitely surpass everyone, but this movie is also very dangerous, so I don't force you, you can make your own choice after watching it." Busnock said to a Xiu has confidence. He believes that Yixiu is not a person who quits halfway. He believes that no one can shake Yixiu's position in the entertainment industry after this movie.

Seeing that the agent said it was so serious, Yixiu was curious about what kind of script made him so serious, took the script in his hand, and read it, Busnock didn't bother Yixiu, closed the door gently and left up.

Yixiu, who has been silent in the script, did not notice Busnock’s departure. This script is dangerous and at the same time very challenging for him, because he doesn’t seem to have a driver’s license yet. This movie will definitely not be ruined. in his hands.

This movie mainly tells about a teenager who loves racing. It can be said that racing is his life. For this reason, he has suffered many injuries, but this still cannot stop him from racing. Later, he fell in love with a man who likes to watch racing through racing. Girl, this girl has been relatively rebellious since she was a child, and she doesn't care about anything, but she has a special liking for racing performances. For this reason, she also paid attention to this oriental boy, and was deeply attracted by the chic and sturdy driving skills of the boy when he was racing. up. Later, the two met and became boyfriend and girlfriend. He was also very famous in the racing industry and became a veritable car king. But at this time, the company planned a very dangerous and exciting competition. Looking forward to it very much, because he likes this kind of exciting feeling, and he can only find the meaning of existence when racing, so he must participate, but Lisa, his girlfriend, disagrees at this time, if they are not boyfriend and girlfriend she will She doesn't care, but now that they are together, she has to care. Such a dangerous race is likely to result in a car crash. This kind of result is not what she wants, but Adonis insists on competing, other things He may be able to agree, but he can't agree to this matter. Even his girlfriend can't stop him from moving forward, because this is his lifelong dream.

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