Chapter 64 Goodbye Mom

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"Mom, Jin and his friends are here." Although a little surprised, Yixiu replied naturally, just a little strange, why this strange boy glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally when he called his mother.

"Then invite them in quickly." Xiuqin, who had almost finished cleaning, said happily. Jin hadn't been to her house for a long time, and she thought the two of them were having a fight.

Jin glanced at Chu Rui next to him again, and gave him an encouraging look. Sooner or later, he would have to face it. It’s better to accept it as soon as possible, otherwise he would be tired. Jin didn’t talk to Yixiu when he entered, even if he didn’t Hate him, but it doesn't mean you forgive him. The feelings that have cheated me for so many years are not so easy to forget.

Chu Rui followed behind Jin, watching his body continue another life, he didn't know how to express his mood at this moment.

"Jin, you're here, haven't you come to see your aunt for so long, have you forgotten me? Is this your friend?" Xiuqin, who was still joking with Jin, was a little puzzled when she saw Chu Rui behind Jin. Asked, never seen him bring anyone to his home before.

Looking at his mother looking at him completely unfamiliar eyes, Chu Rui shivered a little, and looked at his mother with an ugly face. He really wanted to call her mother at the moment, but he couldn't. He was afraid that his mother would not be able to accept such a thing.

"Aren't you feeling well, child?" Seeing that Chu Rui's face was particularly ugly, Xiuqin asked with some concern, why she felt that the other person's eyes were so familiar, but she was sure that she had never seen him before.

"A... Auntie, I'm fine, thank you for your concern." It's a bit difficult to say the word auntie, but you can't call your mother when you face your own mother. What kind of feeling is that?

Looking at Chu Rui's sad eyes, Xiuqin felt overwhelmed and out of breath, why did she feel distressed seeing the other party's sadness, who is this person?

"Mom, stop standing, sit down and talk!" Yixiu broke the awkward situation.

"Look at my memory, you all sit down quickly." After hearing what her son said, Xiuqin realized that she hadn't let the guests do it yet!

Yixiu sat next to his mother, Chu Rui and Jin sat on the side, and everyone was sitting there at the moment, as if they couldn't find anything to talk about, and the atmosphere was awkward again.

"Do you have anything to say?" Xiuqin couldn't help asking, looking at Chu Rui who was hesitating to speak.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask auntie how your health is? How have you been living these past few years?" Although Chu Rui asked casually, there was a hint of expectation.

Unexpectedly, the other party would ask her this question, Xiuqin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chu Rui with a smile after recovering, she had an inexplicable affection for this young man: "I am in good health! My life is also very good, the only one The downside is that Yixiu often can’t go home because of work, but I also know that’s how it is at work, so I don’t blame him.” When talking about Yixiu, Xiuqin looks happy, it’s great to have such an excellent son God has given her a great gift.

But when Chu Rui heard this, his face became even uglier, and he smiled stiffly: "Really?"

Looking at Chu Rui with some worry, Jin knew that he must be feeling uncomfortable at the moment, and who could accept that his mother transferred all his love to others?

Yixiu, who hadn't spoken all this time, looked a little dignified. He kind of felt that there was something wrong with this person. Did he care too much about his mother? Why did his face turn ugly when his mother mentioned him? Suddenly, he had a guess from It appeared in his mind that he was the original owner of his body.

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