Chapter 37 Hidden By The Company

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"Yixiu, are you okay? It may be that the company has misunderstood you. I believe that if the misunderstanding is resolved, you will not do this." Lu Jing had no choice but to comfort Yixiu in this way. He knew how much such a thing would hit Yixiu.

"Lu Jing, you know it's impossible, so you don't need to comfort me. I'm already like this, and I'll starve to death sooner or later by my side. You'd better take someone else. I believe that with you as a competent manager, they will definitely have Future." Yixiu looked at Lu Jing with a forced smile.

Looking at Yixiu with some worry, this kind of Yixiu is what worries him the most. He thought that the other party would be angry or unwilling, but he just accepted it calmly. How can a young man who is not yet twenty be so strong: "Hey, why don't you call the boss again, maybe he doesn't know about it yet."

Yixiu thought for a while and tried to turn on the phone. He felt that some things should be resolved, so he directly pressed Xi's number, which was the only number he remembered besides his own. 's phone is turned off, please try again later!

"What's wrong, no one answered?" Lu Jing looked at Yixiu who put down his phone.

"It's turned off." Yixiu said with an expression on his face.

This sentence made Lu Jing think a lot, shut down, the boss never shuts down, why did it shut down after this happened? Could this be avoiding Yixiu, why did the old chairman take office again, and what happened? He felt that at the moment he had one head and two big ones.

"Go out first! I want to be alone." Yixiu closed his eyes tiredly.

"Then I'll go out first, don't think too much about it." After finishing speaking, Lu Jing slightly offended and walked out, closed the door, and sighed a little irritably, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Ouyang Yixiu, I'm sorry, I failed." Yixiu didn't expect that he would lose so badly in the end. He really lost his career and lost his heart. God, why do you let yourself come back to life? Maybe Ouyang Yixiu didn't know how to live. Very good, now what is the ending like this.

Wei Xunxuan has been lying in the hospital. In fact, she could have been discharged from the hospital a long time ago, but if she is discharged so soon, everyone's resentment towards Yixiu will be reduced, and she just wants Yixiu to be completely ruined. This is the end of offending her. In fact, she fainted only because she was afraid of heights, and she had been suppressing the feeling of dizziness for Yixiu's last blow. She bought the doctor a long time ago. She is not worried that the other party will betray her, because the opponent has something in her hands, and she also believes that when such a thing happens, people will not pay attention to the doctor. True or false, as long as there are revelations.

Jin has also been busy with Yixiu's affairs, and this matter has become more and more troublesome. If Yixiu was an ordinary person, no one would care about such things, but Yixiu is not. His every move is monitored by people around him He said, he didn't want Yixiu to be sad, but he was very dissatisfied with Yan Jianguo's actions, what did Yixiu do wrong to treat him like this, could it be because the other party was Wei Xunxuan, and where did Yanxi go? He sent someone to investigate, but Yanxi seemed to have disappeared. Why didn't he pass by after Yixiu had an accident? Could it be that he was just playing with Yixiu? What is that repair?

Xiao Yi also knew about the company's approach. He didn't expect such an ending. Why didn't Xi come forward? He can be sure that Xie's feelings for Yixiu are true, so why did he choose to deal with private affairs at this time, and why did he not stop the arrangement of the previous chairman. At this moment, he really feels sorry for Yixiu. Such a blow is not something ordinary people can achieve. He and Hanling went to see Yixiu again, but the forced smile on his face made them even more uncomfortable. This is a boy under twenty years old, but he has to suffer such a heavy blow.

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