Chapter 14 Love to Fight For

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compensation? He really didn't think about compensation, let's talk about money, the other party is not short of money at all, and he doesn't have much money now, so he is also a little bit troubled.

"Why don't you do this, how about you being there on call when I need you in the future?" Xi also knew that now was not the time to poke through the window on that floor.

This will let him go, Yixiu quickly shook his head and agreed. It's just that he doesn't know that he has followed the way of others.

Seeing that he was not dozing off anymore, Yixiu lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, but who knew that not only his back was sore, but he also felt some pain in the lower part, which was pulled on the wound for a while, and Yixiu's sore feet softened and fell directly to the ground, Haoxi grasped Yixiu's hand quickly.

Yixiu looked at Xi with some confusion, could he tell himself what happened last night?

Of course Xie would not say that it was caused by himself: "You were drunk and crazy last night." But it was indeed him who was drunk and crazy. for a very good reason.

Your own wine is so bad? It seems that I can't drink anymore, Yixiu secretly thought, how could Yixiu who has not gone through intercourse with men and women think that he has lost his virginity? Still got fucked by a guy.

With Xie's support, Yixiu went to the bathroom to wash up. After getting used to it for a while, it didn't hurt so much. It's just that he might not be able to shoot the movie, but he also knew that Nanshan didn't like actors who asked for leave, so he didn't know what to do. At that time, Xi said: "I just called Nanshan and said that you are sick and today's filming will be canceled, and the filming will start tomorrow."

"Thank you, I was thinking about asking for leave just now? You did me a favor, by the way, are you familiar with director Nanshan?" Yixiu asked curiously.

"Well, it's okay!" Xi replied while brushing his teeth, can he say that Nanshan also has to listen to his orders?

"I'm going to work first. You have a good rest today. Breakfast will be delivered later." Looking at Xi who remembered to go to work after speaking, why did he feel like his wife?

Feeling that he was thinking too much, Yixiu shook his head helplessly, he found that he had the thoughts of a little woman.

Yixiu, who had eaten breakfast, sat on the sofa and read today's newspaper boredly. They were all the same clichés, so couldn't there be some new tricks?

"Ding dong..." Yixiu raised his head and looked at the door, wondering who would come, walking awkwardly, Yixiu opened the door, unexpectedly found that it was Jinyu.

"Jin, why are you here, please come in." Yixiu happily took care of Jinyu, who was bored at the moment!

"Well, I wanted to visit the set today, so I called your crew. They said that you were sick and rested today, so I came here. How is your health?" Although Jin's voice is very gentle, it is not difficult to hear concern tone of voice.

Yixiu didn't expect the other party to come over as soon as he heard that he was not feeling well, and he was a little moved: "It's nothing wrong? It's just a small problem, it doesn't get in the way."

Jin saw that Yixiu really didn't seem to be in trouble, so he was relieved, but walking behind Yixiu, he suddenly found that the other person's walking posture was wrong: "Yixiu, what's wrong with your leg." He had a bad feeling.

"Ah?" Looking back, Yixiu didn't expect the other party's eyes to be so sharp. He tried his best to make his posture look normal, but he was still seen. He didn't want the other party to worry, so he just put yesterday's He said it all, he thought that the other party would not be worried if he heard it, but he clearly felt Jin's anger.

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