Chapter 29 Conflict

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"Can we not go to the hospital?" Yixiu asked weakly looking at Xi who was a little angry.

"What do you think?" Xi's voice became longer and longer.

Yixiu shut his mouth obediently, but he didn't expect that it would be like this just because he ate a little more mousse today.

When I came to the hospital, I listened to Yixiu’s description and gave Yixiu two bottles of salt water. In the doctor’s opinion, this was not a serious illness. There was no need to check them one by one. Yixiu was very satisfied with this treatment plan. Spanking needles to make him do anything.

Xi originally planned to let the doctor do a full-body examination, and was very dissatisfied with the doctor's perfunctory way, but seeing Yixiu let out a sigh of relief and gave up the angry expression, forget it, let's take a look at the salt water first, if it doesn't work, then He doesn't need to be a doctor anymore.

Lying in bed, Yixiu was bored watching TV. I don’t know why when he became a star, his enthusiasm for watching TV was greatly reduced. Maybe he knew it was too fake, but it passed by in a flash. The picture attracted him, and he switched back to the news channel just now: "At eight o'clock this morning, a woman jumped off the roof of the building holding a man's portrait and died on the spot, and the portrait was also smashed to pieces. According to investigations, the man and woman It was a relationship between a boyfriend and a girl, but she was hit by a car and died a few months ago. The woman probably chose to die because she couldn't think about it for a while. The police are still investigating. Next, please read a news article..." Yixiu couldn't hear what she said next, he felt his head was covered at the moment.

Xi naturally also saw the news just now, looking at Yixiu's current appearance, he was a little worried and tightly held Yixiu's hand without the needle: "She has nothing to do with you, you are Ouyang Yixiu now, I am by your side."

Xie's words brought Yixiu back to reality: "I know, but she died like this, what is it, is it repentance or reluctance? Did she think that I would forgive her if she did that?" Yixiu felt that his eyes were a little bit Vague.

"No matter what it is, it's her business. She chose this path. You just need to know that I will not betray you." Xi's sonorous words were engraved heavily in Yixiu's heart.

"Thank you." Turning off the TV, Yixiu hugged Xi tightly, which was his strongest support.

Xi didn't speak, but hugged Yixiu tightly.

After two bottles of salt water came down, Yixiu really felt much better. He took some medicine and left with Xi. With Xi's guidance, Yixiu felt much better. He never knew that this man who was cold all day long could comfort others. Very well, he also felt that he was too attached to the past, and it was time to really let go.

Xiuqin went home on New Year's Eve, did he have any other relatives, and his mother had already severed ties with the family because of her, so he would spend the New Year with his mother no matter what, Xiuqin was very happy to see her son back, since her son became famous After that, she hadn't seen her son for a long time, and when she missed him, she would listen to his songs, and when she heard his voice, she felt as if she saw him: "Mom, why do you cook so many dishes? You can finish eating Is it?" Yixiu stared at a table full of his favorite dishes, not to mention how happy he was.

Xiuqin looked at her duplicity son and smiled: "I can eat as long as you are here, this is specially made for you, you must eat more."

Yixiu was not polite, picked up his chopsticks to help his mother pick up his favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, and started eating. Looking at her filial son, Xiuqin felt that this life was worth it.

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