Chapter 67 Back to America

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At this moment, Yixiu was sitting on the dining table in embarrassment. No one put down their chopsticks. Yan Jianguo ignored Yixiu and sat on the chair alone. Knowing what to say, Yixiu touched Xie with his hands, his eyes kept winking, and Xixi, who didn't understand why, looked at Yixiu suspiciously. Seeing Xie's expression like this, Yixiu lowered his head in frustration.

"Cough, cough, cough." Having noticed Yixiu's small movements for a long time, Yan Jianguo coughed: "That Yixiu agrees with you being together, but it doesn't mean that I approve of you being together, if it's not because of my wife In terms of face, you won't sit here anymore, so if you dare not be filial to my wife in the future and annoy her, I don't know what I will do, so you know what to do." Yan Jian I don't know why, but now I see this kid much more pleasing to the eye.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will be filial to you and auntie in the future." After listening to Yan Jianguo's words, if he didn't understand what it meant, he would be too ignorant.

But Ai Chuxue was a little unhappy after hearing Yixiu's words: "Yixiu, why are you still called uncle and aunt, shouldn't you be called mom and dad?"

Seeing his aunt's unhappy face, Yixiu looked at Xi with pleading eyes, but Xie just smiled at him and didn't intend to help. There is no way he has to do this for future happiness.

Hearing Yixiu call Ai Chuxue a happy response, she had such a beautiful and excellent son again, and Yan Jianguo just snorted casually when he heard Yixiu's words, but even so Yixiu was already very happy, This means that uncle does not object to his title, and he finally got it. At this moment, Yixiu sat on the dining table in embarrassment, and no one put down his chopsticks. From time to time, Ai Chuxue looked at Yixiu's smiling face, and Yixiu, who didn't know what to say, pushed Dingxi with his hand, and kept winking, and Xixi, who didn't understand why, looked at Yixiu in doubt, seeing With Xi showing such an expression, Yixiu lowered his head in frustration.

"Cough, cough, cough." Having noticed Yixiu's small movements for a long time, Yan Jianguo coughed: "That Yixiu agrees with you being together, but it doesn't mean that I approve of you being together, if it's not because of my wife In terms of face, you won't sit here anymore, so if you dare not be filial to my wife in the future and annoy her, I don't know what I will do, so you know what to do." Yan Jian I don't know why, but now I see this kid much more pleasing to the eye.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will be filial to you and auntie in the future." After listening to Yan Jianguo's words, if he didn't understand what it meant, he would be too ignorant.

But Ai Chuxue was a little unhappy after hearing Yixiu's words: "Yixiu, why are you still called uncle and aunt, shouldn't you be called mom and dad?"

Seeing his aunt's unhappy face, Yixiu looked at Xi with pleading eyes, but Xie just smiled at him and didn't intend to help. There is no way he has to do this for future happiness.

Hearing Yixiu called Ai Chuxue happily responded that she had such a beautiful and excellent son again, and Yan Jianguo just snorted casually when he heard Yixiu's words, but even so Yixiu was already very happy, This means that uncle does not object to his title, and he has finally been recognized by everyone.

Seeing the interaction just now, Xi smiled silently, this is a happy family. someone's approval.

"Jin, will your parents agree to us being together?" The two sat by the sea, Chu Rui rested his head on Jin's shoulder, his face showed confusion about the future, could they also be blessed like Yixiu? ?

The sea breeze messed up Jin's hair, he squinted his eyes slightly, and looked up at the sky: "Yes, we will definitely get their blessing." The gentle words revealed incomparable confidence, he knew that Chu Rui cared about the opinions around him, The same is true for him, only in this way will Chu Rui truly give himself to him without reservation, and at the same time he does not want Chu Rui to have a burden when he is with him, so he will let his parents yes.

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