Chapter 61 Ouyang Yixiu

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Half a month later, "Iron Blood Man" finally ushered in the finalization day. At the moment when it ended, everyone cheered. This TV series could finally see the light of day again. Under the voice of everyone's cheers, the days of Li Xi's marriage were getting closer and closer. getting closer.

"Xi, does this wedding dress look good on me? Is it too ugly?" Wei Xunxuan came out of the dressing room, talking to Xi while fiddling with his wedding dress.

"It won't look good." Xi said without looking up at the phone.

Finding that Xi didn't look at him at all, Wei Xunxun stomped his feet angrily: "What, you didn't look at it, how would you know if it looks good or not?"

Hearing what Wei Xunxuan said, Xi turned his head. To be honest, he was really beautiful, but Xie couldn't feel it. In his opinion, no matter how Wei Xunxuan was dressed, he couldn't keep his eyes on the On her: "It's not bad, just this one." He really didn't want to waste time here.

Seeing Xi looking at herself, Wei Shanxiu smiled sweetly: "Then let's go take pictures now." As long as she thought that this man was about to become her husband, she felt so happy that she was about to die.

After taking the wedding photos, Xi left the bridal shop and headed towards the company, and Wei Zenzai let her go back by herself. If his mother hadn't forced him to take the wedding photos, he would never have gone.

After finishing filming, Yixiu returned home. It had been half a month since Jin hadn't contacted him, not even a single message. He knew that he might never see Jin again. After all, he hurt Jin too much. , now he only hopes that Jin can find his own happiness, and Xi should be happy too. After all, Wei Zenzai loves him so much, and I'm afraid he will live like this forever!

Because the Jagged Man media had known for a long time that this TV was being filmed, and when everyone knew that Yixiu and Wang Ziche were on the same stage, everyone looked forward to it. They had already cooperated in a TV series back then, but because of the The two missed the matter, and they always felt very regretful in their hearts. The two are actors they like very much, and now they are finally filming together. How can they not be excited, let alone this kind of exciting military drama. This drama can be released as soon as possible. After five working days, Nanshan and other staff finally let everyone usher in the first and second episodes. After 7:30 in the evening, all the people who are looking forward to this drama will stay in front of the TV early, As soon as the broadcast started, everyone was attracted by Yixiu's acting skills. I don't know why they watched Yixiu's drama and it felt like a live broadcast of life. After two episodes, everyone began to look forward to tomorrow night. After the arrival, the hit rate of the TV series has reached an unprecedented height, but Yixiu feels that he doesn't care anymore. He wanted to go higher and higher at the beginning because he wanted to get revenge on Xi. Now he doesn't need it anymore. He knows that Xi doesn't owe him , but I misunderstood him for two full years. In the days before he woke up from the car accident, he didn't accompany him for a night, and I always owed him.

Xi, who never watched TV, sat in the office and watched Yixiu’s TV in the name of working overtime. He hadn’t seen Yixiu for a long time, and he had always resisted the urge to see Yixiu. It's just angry words, he can't really hurt Yixiu, this is the only man he has ever loved, watching Yixiu's rebellious appearance on TV, this is him who can't be seen in real life, there is At that time, he really wanted to take out Yixiu's heart to see what it was made of. Obviously, he already loved him very much, why he could say those words that made people feel suffocated without hesitation? My nemesis.

In the past half month, Jin seemed to be a different person. He no longer had the gentleness of the past. No matter who he was, he always looked cold, and the people who watched were trembling. It became like this. Since Yixiu left that day, Jin felt that his life seemed to have no purpose. This was the sun he had been chasing. When he knew that the sun had lost its light, it was as if his heart had died. Same, he really misses his Yixiu now, where did his Yixiu go, why does God treat Yixiu like this, and treat this beautiful person. He can no longer face the current Yixiu, as long as he sees Yixiu, he will remember that he has quietly left his beloved, even if it is still his body, but what he wants is his sincerity.

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