Chapter 23 Near Misses

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Just when the two sides were silent, their phones rang at the same time.

"Xi, do you still remember the Haitian Group that you called Ze to get rid of within a day?" Yi's voice rang in Xi's ear.

"Haitian Group?" Xi had a little impression but couldn't remember it for a while, a little impatient: "I don't have time to talk to you, what happened to Haitian Group? What does it have to do with Yixiu's disappearance?"

"Don't worry, isn't this what I'm going to tell you! The Haitian Group was opened by the guy who ran into Yixiu at the Ze bar, and then you let Ze put him out of business, and now you are thinking about revenge on your family place!"

Hearing Yi's words, Xi thought of the man with a big belly, and didn't expect that since he was not honest, he wouldn't just let him go this time: "Where is Yixiu now?"

Yi touched his nose boredly. This heartless man was actually emotional. I have never seen him care about anyone before: "He is now in an abandoned yard in the northern suburbs."

After listening, Xi hung up the phone and walked to the parking lot, because he knew that listening to it would be nonsense.

Here, Jin listened to his subordinates' report, and when he thought that Yixiu had been eaten tofu by that disgusting man, he had the urge to chop off his hand, so he stopped talking nonsense and walked quickly to the parking lot. He felt that if the other party If it was revenge for Yixiu, then Yixiu would be in danger right now, so he didn't dare to delay for a second.

Two luxurious sports cars galloped on the road, as if they were racing against time.

Yixiu, who woke up slowly, opened his eyes that were still blurred and looked around. There were waste products everywhere. At this moment, he was lying in a corner with his hands tied behind his back. No, he thought for a while that he seemed to lose consciousness after the other party smoked. Could it be that man? But why did he kidnap himself when he had no grievances with him?

Jiang Hai, who walked into the junk house, saw Yixiu who woke up, licked the corner of his mouth lustfully, and stared greedily at Yixiu.

Yixiu looked at each other uncomfortably: "Why did you kidnap me, I don't know you at all."

Jiang Hai, who was originally showing greedy eyes, immediately became extremely ferocious when he heard Yixiu's words, and looked at Yixiu angrily: "Why did I kidnap you? Why do you say I kidnapped you? If it wasn't for you, how could I go bankrupt? Why did my wife run away with the child? It's all because of you. You caused me to have nothing. Then I will also make you famous. Aren't you famous? If people in the world see their idol Not only do you take drugs but also hang out with a few strong men, will they think you are disgusting? I am looking forward to their expressions!" Jiang Hai's voice sounded extremely terrifying.

Yixiu understood the seriousness of the matter. He thought that the other party kidnapped him for money, but he didn't expect that he wanted to destroy him. He panicked for a while, but he really didn't know when he caused his company to go bankrupt: " Sir, please don't get excited, is there any misunderstanding between us? I really haven't met you." Yixiu patiently persuaded.

"Of course you don't remember me. You were so drunk at the time. If you didn't meet that little bastard Yanxi, how could he snatch you from me and break my hand? In the end He even swallowed my company viciously, so all this is because of you, since I can't get him, then I'll get you, and I'm looking forward to him seeing you happily with other men , will you look at you with disgust, that expression is really wonderful!" Jiang Hai's expression changed from anger at the beginning to laughter now, and Yixiu felt that this person must be crazy.

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