Chapter 2 Practice Storm

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The next day, Yixiu, who had had breakfast, left the house early, because except for special circumstances, everyone must arrive at the practice room on time every day for practice. Star Entertainment Company does not allow freshmen to be late. As the boss of the city's entertainment industry, it has a unique management plan, and being late is regarded as a high degree of irresponsibility for work.

Therefore, all stars under Star Entertainment have a good concept of time.

Searching for the memory route, Yixiu finally found the Star Entertainment Company. He didn't have time to look around because he knew that time was running out. Opening the door of the practice room, I found that I was still a step late, and everyone was already practicing with the teacher's movements.

The sound of the door opening interrupted the teacher's rhythm. Cheng Yu looked at the late Yixiu with some displeasure. Although he usually likes Yixiu who has been working hard all the time, being late is completely different.

Yixiu looked at the teacher's frown and knew that the other party was upset, so he quickly nodded to admit his mistake.

Before Cheng Yu said anything, the classmate next to him uttered: "Hey, isn't this Ouyang Yixiu? Why are you late sometimes? Do you think you can be late just by pretending?"

Hearing the other party's sarcasm, Yixiu looked at the person who just spoke calmly. He knew that this person had always disliked him and often found fault with himself during practice. If you have troubles, just swallow your anger, but the other party thinks that you are easy to bully. The current Yixiu is not the one who can be bullied by others. If he is not strong in the orphanage, he might not be able to live today.

"Student Wang, why are you talking so aggressively? It's like eating gunpowder. The teacher hasn't said anything yet. What are you doing? Could it be that the so-called emperor is not in a hurry and eunuchs are in a hurry?"

"You..." Wang Ziche looked at Yixiu angrily, he never thought how Ouyang Yixiu, who is usually silent, would say such aggressive words, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Okay, don't say a few words." Cheng Yu looked at the two impatiently: "Ouyang Yixiu thought you were a first-time offender today, and because he fainted yesterday, he punished you to clean up the sanitation here today. Alright, let's continue, if you don't want to be eliminated on the day of the assessment, give me 120,000 points."

Yixiu could still accept such a punishment, and it wasn't too heavy, so he put down the backpack in his hand and quickly practiced with the teacher.

This is a kind of hip-hop dance mixed with mechanical dance elements. There are difficult rotating movements in it. The bones of the 18-year-old Yixiu have fully grown. Such movements will undoubtedly cost him half of his life. Fortunately, before Yixiu practiced yoga in front of the video for a while, and his body was not so stiff anymore. Recalling the ruthlessness Yixiu was treating himself at that time, I had to admire him. Maybe it's because I'm moving towards that dream that I work so hard.

The people around looked at Yixiu's slender figure, as if the action in front of him couldn't trouble him at all, and couldn't help but envy why God was so unfair, but who saw that Yixiu was still practicing continuously when they were tired and rested Woolen cloth?

"Okay, let's rest for a while. Lunch will be here soon. After you finish your meal, you can practice on your own. I will check before get out of class ends." Cheng Yu looked at the watch in his hand and said without raising his head.

Seeing that the teacher had left, everyone sat down on the ground one after another. Yixiu took a bottle of water and sat alone in a corner, unwilling to contact these people, but someone obviously didn't intend to let him go.

"I said, student Yixiu, I've never seen you so upright when you're so late. Do you think it's great to have a woman's face? I think it's weird, you only have a face What's the use of being able to see, why did the judges choose you as a trainee, isn't there some ulterior secret in this?" Wang Ziche's meaning was unclear.

When the others heard Wang Ziche's words, they all looked at Yixiu. They wanted to see how the other party would answer. Selfishly speaking, they really hoped that Ziche's words were true. Put an end to this kind of thing, the people here rely on their strength to speak, so they have one less rival. The competition after three days is cruel. There will be no judges on the day of the competition. The company will find an outfield. According to the students Popularity will determine the outcome. In order to prevent students from cheating, the venue of the competition will only be known when they arrive at the venue on the day, and the mobile phone will be confiscated and returned after the competition.

Yixiu, who didn't look up, could guess who it was with his toes. He was wondering if this person had a brain? How could a smart person say such unsubstantiated words. Even if you really hate yourself, you shouldn't be so obvious! What is showbiz? That is acting all the time.

"Student Wang, if you have any complaints about me, please go to the boss of the company to complain to me. Anyway, I am not afraid of the shadow. Of course, the premise is that you don't mind if I sue you for defamation?" Yixiu narrowed his eyes Eyes, but the eyes cast a dangerous breath.

Everyone understood what Yixiu meant. Although it was a pity, there was no loss. Instead, they watched a scene where Wang Ziche was deflated for free. Usually, Wang Ziche would yell at them because his family ran a company. He also dared to be angry and dare not speak out. Now that someone is a young bird, he is naturally happy in his heart, but he also wonders why Ouyang Yixiu, who is usually taciturn, feels like a different person today?

Wang Ziche clenched his fists, his handsome face looked distorted all the time, he looked like Ouyang Yixiu who had changed into a different person, he would not let him go.

Ignoring Wang Ziche's exasperated face, Yixiu closed his eyes and planned to take a light sleep for a while, and practiced some in the afternoon.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he still has to thank Wang Ziche, because his words revealed his true nature. In his last life, he had been covering up his true inner character because of his girlfriend. Now that he thinks about it, he was just acting. . Don't know what's going on with your body? It's not that he hasn't thought about going back, but he doesn't want to look at Li Li again, since his death is also indirectly related to her. He just hoped that Li Li wouldn't pretend to be affectionate and think that he couldn't think about it because of her.

It's time to say goodbye to the past, there is no Du Yixiu in this world, he is Ouyang Yixiu, and he must win the first place in the competition three days later.

(Dear friends, let me explain again, the protagonist will only appear under the name of Ouyang Yixiu in the future (except memories)

Also, Ouyang Yixiu's mother is Du Yixiu's mother, and the protagonist will naturally call her mother. Li Li who just appeared, everyone has already guessed that she is Du Yixiu's girlfriend, she will appear again in the future, but she is cannon fodder, (cannon fodder, do you understand ^_^))

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