Chapter 24 Formal Communication

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Jin was called back by Yixiu, he was the one who harmed Xi, he should be alone to make up for it, sitting in a high-grade ward, although the air and equipment were better than other patients, but the unpleasant smell of disinfectant made sleeping Xi Still frowned imperceptibly.

Yixiu looked happily at Xi who was about to wake up.

As soon as Xi opened his eyes, he looked vaguely at Yixiu who showed joy, his expressionless face eased a lot, but when he wanted to speak, he found that his throat interfered and made him speechless. He took a glass of boiled water and carefully lifted Xie's upper body, and passed the water to Xie's mouth. Xie opened his mouth and drank it slowly, feeling the warmth of Yixiu. He felt very warm at this moment, and there was a feeling of happiness in his heart Spreading, he felt that he had already recognized his feelings for Yixiu. If it wasn't for love, how could he miss him when he couldn't see Yixiu? A feeling of panic, how could he have the urge to kill when he saw Yixiu's accident.

Xi, who had recognized his sincerity, felt extremely relaxed in his heart. Yixiu put down the water glass, and carefully leaned Xi's body against the bed, looking at Xi who had been staring at him, his face was slightly red: "You Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm afraid I'll never see you again." Xie's words made Yixiu feel the urge to cry.

"What happened yesterday, I'm really sorry. In fact, I'm not worth what you did. Don't be stupid again, you know?"

"Your business is my business. It will not be so clear in the future. If I am in danger in the future, will you do this?" Xi has been angry from the beginning to now cautious. He is afraid that he will hear something that scares him. Answer.

Yixiu nodded without thinking, what would he want in his life to have such a friend.

Xixi looked at Yixiu without hesitation and happily held Yixiu's hand, he felt a bit like a guy in love.

He looked at the hand being held with some embarrassment, but he gave up struggling when he saw Xie's happy face. For some reason, he didn't want to see Xie showing disappointment in his eyes.

"Yixiu has something I want to tell you, whether you agree or not, I will not give up." Yixiu heard Xie's extremely serious tone, he always felt that something was about to happen, and looked into Xi's eyes.

Xi, he doesn't like a love that doesn't get a response. Since he likes it, he should show it. This is his character.

"Hey." Yixiu laughed, he thought it was something, it turned out to be this: "I like you too!"

Xi was a little angry, he knew that Yixiu had misunderstood himself: "The liking I said is not the liking of friends, but the liking between lovers." Xie's words successfully made Yixiu shut his mouth, and his body trembled imperceptibly After a while: "We are all men, how can men be together?"

"Why can't it be between men, have you forgotten what you said in the clarification meeting?"

Yixiu recalled what he said that day, he remembered that he said that love has nothing to do with gender, they just happened to fall in love with someone of the same sex as him, but he never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him, but after Li Li The thing about love made him have fantasies about love: "I'm sorry, I don't believe in love for a long time." In fact, the most important thing is that he is Du Yixiu, this body is not his own, he just lives here temporarily It's just his soul, he has no right to use his body to like anyone, he's just a predator.

"Yixiu, you have to believe me, and I will definitely make you the happiest person in the world." Xie's oath made Yixiu a little excited.

"You don't understand, I'm just a predator, I have no right to like anyone, so don't force me." Yixiu's face turned pale.

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