Chapter 16 Variety Shows

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How can the celebration banquet be done without drinking? Although Yixiu repeatedly emphasized that he does not know how to drink, Nanshan is in a good mood and does not want to let him go: "A man who does not know how to drink is a man. Besides, who will never go to a meeting?" , don’t forget your current job, do you think there will be fewer places to drink? How about I teach you how to drink when I’m in a good mood today?”

Hearing that Nanshan didn't intend to let himself go, Yixiu sighed in his heart, after all, he couldn't take more: "Thank you, Brother Nan, for your kindness, why don't you drink me as you like?" Yixiu thought at least he couldn't drink drunk.

Knowing that Yixiu may not be interested in drinking, and not forcing him, Nanshan nodded: "Everyone is open to drinking today, and the post-production also requires everyone's efforts. I hope our film can be broadcast on Christmas Eve. Everyone has no confidence."

Everyone nodded with confidence, and they also hope that the movie will be released soon and be loved by everyone.

After the whole night, almost everyone else was drunk. Fortunately, Yixiu tried his best to shirk the wine toasted by others. What he couldn't do was just a symbolic sip. However, the 55-degree wine is not in vain, although His mind is still clear, but his body is a little out of order.

Xiao Yun hurriedly stepped forward to support Yixiu. Lu Jing didn't drink because he wanted to drive. Now he went to pick up the car. Xiao Yun helped Yixiu to the hotel entrance and waited for Lu Jing's car. On Xiao Yun's body, this made Xiao Yun, who is not very tall, feel very strenuous, he had to support Yixiu's waist, otherwise both of them would fall down. Seeing Lu Jing's car, he quickly put Yixiu into the back seat, and followed him.

But without them knowing, someone took a picture of the two of them. Because of the angle, it was impossible to see that Yixiu was drunk. People who didn't know thought the two were lovers. The last one is the scene of two people getting into the car, which makes it difficult for those who see it not to misunderstand.

Lu Jing and Xiao Yun helped Yixiu into the bedroom, let Yixiu lie on the bed and left. Although Cheng Yixiu kept emphasizing that he could go up by himself, the two of them just ignored his words. How can someone who can't stand still go up the stairs?

After they left, Yixiu quickly fell asleep as his eyelids became heavier.

The next day, Yixiu woke up until nearly ten o'clock, rubbed his eyes and woke up. After some washing, Yixiu felt much more refreshed, and started to make breakfast for himself. I didn't want to be so troublesome, so I ordered a bowl of noodles casually, and added some small vegetables and two eggs to it. The taste is not bad, and he didn't seem to eat anything other than drinking last night, so he wiped out a big bowl of noodles.

Yixiu, who was a bit full of food, came to the back garden, walked slowly, and admired the surrounding flowers and plants. He knew that there would be people here every week to clean and weed. After leaving, Yixiu lay on the rocking chair, he suddenly felt that such a life was very comfortable.

"I have always been strong, tell me what to do, and my dream will come true." The ringtone of the phone interrupted Yixiu's peaceful mood. The ringtone was set by the original owner of the body. He didn't change it because the other person is no longer there. This song The song at least told him that Ouyang Yixiu existed, and he never forgot that he stood on his body, so he didn't want Ouyang Yixiu to turn into a wisp of dust like himself.

"Lu Jing, what's the matter with calling?" Yixiu didn't think Lu Jing would be in the mood to chat with him.

Lu Jing rubbed his nose, feeling a little bored. This artist is different from the ones he brought before, and it's not fun at all: "Well, because your movie has been filmed and acted, there is now a free time. Didn't you film Xiao Yi before? The MV? The effect is very good, so the director of the star album invited you to be Xiao Yi's mysterious guest. I have already picked you up, you make preparations, and I will pick you up at seven o'clock in the evening." Lu Jing doesn't need to be like Yixiu explained something, because he knew that Yixiu would not ask, and this is where their tacit understanding lies.

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