Chapter 19 Box Office Hit

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Every press conference was extremely successful, and everyone began to look forward to the arrival of the movie. In the reports, "The Forgotten Child" made the headlines of various entertainment reports, and even the film and television of Yixiu went crazy on the Internet Photos, and those fans who have been paying attention to Yixiu are counting the time every day.

On December 20th, all the movie tickets were sold out. People who didn’t get tickets began to complain. This movie has been scheduled for several time slots, but there is no way. Later, each movie had to be added again. For a movie, the tickets were sold out not long after it was released. What they didn't expect was that a movie made by a newcomer would be so popular.

Christmas Eve finally arrived. People who were supposed to spend Christmas Eve with their families at home came to the entrance of the movie early. The first show was played at 5 pm. At five o'clock, everyone quietly watched the movie that was about to be played, and the title of the movie appeared first.

Then a child who was just born and placed at the gate of the orphanage appeared on the screen. Someone hugged him in. The picture changed, a five or six-year-old beautiful boy with no expression on his face, as quiet as a fragile child Ragdoll.

…… Until the grown-up Chen Yi appeared, his lonely eyes looked into the distance, and his thin figure made people feel very distressed.

The tone of the movie has changed, and Yixiu's lonely and confused singing is lingering in everyone's ears. Scene after scene recalls the scenes of Chen Yi's childhood, first he was abandoned, then he was bullied, and finally there was no one Willing to adopt him, he curled himself up in a corner alone.

After the singing ended, the grown-up Chen Yi passed the gate of the orphanage and saw Xiao Yu who was abandoned by his mother at the gate. . . .



Chen Yi, who had won the chairmanship, returned home, and he took Xiao Yu over. This was the only person he cared about, and the last sentence he said was undoubtedly heart-wrenching, that sentence would never be bullied again. How much hardship did he pay for it?

During the broadcast, many people shed tears quietly, such a beautiful and quiet Chen Yi really made people feel distressed and distressed. In the end, everyone walked out of the theater feeling exhausted. This is not the only movie without a heroine, but it is indeed the best and most touching movie. Looking at Chen Yi in the orphanage, they feel that they I am happy, today is Christmas Eve, but those children in the orphanage have never had a real Christmas Eve.

Yixiu's perfect performance moved all the audience, and his singing also moved all the audience. Those who didn't pay attention to Yixiu began to like Yixiu's acting and singing skills.

The only thing that didn't make Yixiu think of it was that because of his movie, all the people who had watched the movie and planned to abandon their children gave up such an idea. They were reluctant to let their children show such lonely and confused eyes.

Went there one night, Lu Jing excitedly called Yixiu early in the morning, and before Yixiu could speak, he couldn't hold back: "Yixiu broke the record, yesterday's box office record was far broken Do you know that Xiao Yi’s box office was the highest record ever, and our box office is still rising sharply so far?”

Although Yixiu thought that his debut novel would be welcomed by everyone, he didn't expect the box office to be so amazing. He still remembered that Brother Xiao's highest box office record was over 100 million in just one night, so how much would he earn? He doesn't know yet, but one thing he knows is that he is going to get rich, not that he is greedy for money, but that he has never forgotten Ouyang Yixiu's wish to let his mother live a good life.

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