Chapter 3 Outfield Game

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After many days of practice, the competition finally ushered in. Yixiu looked at the competition field and twitched his mouth as if there was nothing. He didn't want to come back, but he didn't expect God to bring him here. () Xinyi Plaza is a place where he can go with his eyes closed. There is a lot of traffic here, no matter it is day or night, and more importantly, this is the best place for couples to date. For this reason, he came here frequently, and now he just hoped not to let him see people he didn't want to see here, and the influence would be bad.

The content of today's competition can be said to be an individual competition. There are two stages, and the contestants compete on their own, performing one after another. Whoever has the most audience in the audience will win. And the content of the competition is nothing more than singing and dancing to drive everyone's atmosphere. It depends on who has a thicker skin, but if you want to say who has a thicker skin, who can beat Yixiu? He is talking nonsense with his eyes open in the orphanage The master, in a daze, described a person who was bullied by him as a victim, and the teacher believed him frankly.

Singing Yixiu is still very good at singing. In his previous life, his only specialty was singing. It was a pity that some people teased him for not being a singer. Now that he thinks about it, he has his own destiny.

Driven by the host, the venue was already overcrowded. Fortunately, the temperature was not high today, and the gentle breeze gave people a very comfortable feeling.

"Okay, friends at the scene, I hope that the wonderful performance will not blind your eyes. Whoever you support will stand under the stage, okay?" Listening to the host's words, everyone understood that this was an event. The game, say hello.

The host saw that it was almost done, so he left the stage.

The contestants who had already been waiting in the backstage were extremely nervous, especially the two who were the first to appear on the stage respectively, and touched the sweat on their heads. It was the first time that they were not nervous in front of so many people, it was fake.

It is not difficult to see from the annoyed eyes of the two when they got off the stage that they failed the performance. Seeing the reaction of the first group, the people in the second group did not dare to be careless. It's just that the impatient eyes of the audience made them feel cold when they were performing, so that they were driven away by the audience in the following performances. When had they ever been so ashamed, they left as soon as they got off the stage, and if they stayed, it would be a joke for others to see them.

The third group faced each other face to face, but fortunately they were not as nervous as the previous two groups, and their performance was relatively natural, so the audience applauded symbolically. The two happily bowed down to take a curtain call.

And Yixiu didn't care about all of this, but being in the same group as Wang Ziche gave him some headaches. He wondered if the company had deliberately arranged for them to be in a group. Looking at the other party's provocative eyes, Yixiu just smiled and didn't care. But in the eyes of the other party, this is not taking oneself seriously: "Hmph, wait, I will definitely compare you."

At this moment, the audience has lost the excitement of the beginning, and they are all wondering whether to leave. Just when they had this idea, Yixiu and Wang Ziche entered the stage respectively, one was sunny and handsome, and the other was beautiful but not feminine. Audiences are drawn to them.

"Dear audience friends, hello everyone, I am Ouyang Yixiu, you can also call me Yixiu, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to watch our performance, thank you for your hard work." Everyone looked at Yixiu with extremely sincere eyes , were all moved by his tenderness, which made them feel that it didn't matter how long they waited. In fact, Yixiu was disgusted by his own hypocrisy.

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